Another fact: strontium is the only trace mineral present in human bone whose level in bone correlates with bone compressive strength, i.e., resistance to fracture. Heres what he reports from the following 2 papers he discusses that is relevant to your question: I know that we take them separately so they wont compete for absorption because calcium will win. However, you must take Strontium either without food or if with a meal, it should be a meal that does not contain calcium. The form of strontium you should consider taking is strontium citrate NOT strontium ranelatethis form has caused many adverse effects, which I have written about at length both in my book Your Bones, 2nd edition and on AlgaeCals blog. The reasons for this are that failing kidneys lose their ability to: So, if you are on dialysis or have end stage of kidney failure, ask your doctor for advice on whether to proceed with strontium supplementation. Pors Nielsen S. The biological role of strontium. I could find nothing. With that assumption the results indicated that around 400 mg of strontium was very effective, but this is still higher than 170 mg. (Here is the reference for this study: Ma B, Zhang Q, Wang G, et al. If I might ask your comments on two issues which I have come across, I would be very grateful. Since your bones are now in such good shape, however, I suggest you consider using only a half dose (1 capsule of Strontium Boost) daily instead of the full 2 capsule dose. I may drop down to 1/4 the dosage though. Too high a dosage promotes bone loss. The diuretics has been stopped. Hello I had a 24 hr clearence test and yhe last one was 72 measure should I take Strontium? When a combined amino acid compound has been introduced to your NAC arrangement, please also consume it when your stomach is empty, just at another moment of the day than the NAC plan. Good For Bone & Joint Health: Shilajit carries amino acids, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, boron, iron, zinc, copper, calcium, manganese, silicon, and strontium that are of particular interest to the bone and joint health as all of them are involved in the strengthening of the bones and joints. Joe took a look to see who is in Arizona near Phoenix, and discovered that one of the contributors to the Textbook of Natural Medicine, Dr. Tom Kruzell, ND, is in Scottsdale! Dr. Wright and I both believe that once bone mineral density has been significantly improved using the dose shown in the research to be effective (680 mg elemental strontium/day) should be reduced to half this amount (340 mg elemental strontium/day)for long term bone health. SO MUCH to be grateful for this year, as always, Lara. Hi Tyler can you send me the PMID #s for this study, so I can pull the full paper and see what exactly was done and the full results? J Biomed Mater Res A. Most of us eat the same foods over and over and do not vary what we eat all that much. Thank you for your wonderful advice. Are you perimenopausal? If you do not wake up at night, you can take your strontium during the day you just want to take it when you are not also consuming calcium, so with a breakfast or lunch that does not contain calcium. Heres the math on this: 1.04% x .915 (100%-8.5% = 91.5) = an increase in BMD of 0.95. If you cannot tolerate dairy, then look for yogurt made from organic soybeans or coconut. And 340 mg/d is the amount of Strontium Boost I will continue to take to maintain that condition. Ive been taking AlgaeCal for a few years but stopped the Strontium last November because my husband thought it might be causing the all-over body aches I was having. My wife has been following the AlgaeCal Plus program for just over 1 month. Taking 1 capsule several times a day will be a bit of a hassle as you must take strontium several hours before or after consuming calcium, so it would be easier to take 2-3 at once. Hi Lara You should take Fosamax when your stomach is empty, first thing in the morning. So interesting! Alternatively, some foods can interact with . We dont have it yet though. This type of pain in your thumb is not due to strontium; it indicates arthritis in the joint. (Strontium may remain in the bones for as long as 7-10 years after the last dose.) Contraindications feature history of a heart attack, adrenal glandular problem or thyrotoxicosis. We are, each of us, special, unique and irreplacable. 1963 Dec;12:734-44. Should I stop taking my Calcium supplement and my Multivitamin for Women 50+ before taking the AlgaeCal and Strontium? Great! 6. It was impossible to calculate the elemental dosage because they didnt provide the molar-mas of the compound. I was wondering what your thoughts are regarding taking strontium citrate along with Boron to help build stronger bones? I understand that strontium is an element with a higher weight on the periodic table and therefore occupies more space or creates a denser appearing bone structure on a DEXA. Yes, you can take Strontium and Magnesium at the same time. I appreciate your patience! alternatively, is there a vegetable that I could substitute the kale for to put in my smoothie that is low in calcium so I could take with the strontium? As always, take strontium separate from your calcium intake. I hope this answers your question I realize I sound like a broken record here, but the point is that even though SOTI and TROPOS showed beneficial effects on bone from strontium ranelate, we can have these benefits using a natural form of strontium (like strontium citrate) without the health risks (and high financial costs) of taking the patent medication. I do know about AlgaeCal and can personally tell you their quality control is excellent. Furthermore, the strontium that does deposit in cortical bone does NOT render it weaker, but more stable and resistant to fracture as explained in this paper, which I mention again below. Luckily, strontium has science to back it up and someone (i.e. You just need to take it at a different time of day from when you take calcium (as I have written in the blog and in response to questions here, calcium and strontium compete for absorption, and calcium is better absorbed, so if you take them at the same time, you will receive less benefit from the strontium.) Regarding boron, this trace mineral is also definitely needed. Researchers have looked at strontiums effects on bone quality in animal and human studies, and it has been found to improve bone quality as well as density. So, now I will take it on an empty stomach. I have just been skimming through the above blogs and I may have missed ithow much of the Stronium Boost do you take daily? Finally, I dont know what your current BMD is or risk for osteoporosis because of the specifics regarding your health, but if you are at high risk for fracture, then taking the dose of strontium provided by Strontium Boost for 6 months, then testing, would be my suggestion. I am presently taking New Chapter Bone Strength Take Care. One caveat here if you eat tuna PLEASE purchase tuna that has been checked for mercury content! Ranelic acid was created to make it patentable. (Its also the same dose of strontium citrate provided by 2 capsules of bone-building Strontium Boost.). 28, no. Ive included a link for you HERE for some more information on strontiums safety and effectiveness that I hope you will find helpful! No toxicity has ever been shown for K2 (MK-7) at any dose used even in studies in which subjects took more than 800 mcg/day. I also take 1 mg of estradiol daily. Normal range per her information is 10.0 to 45.0 ng/ml. Sufficient to bring your blood level of 25(OH)D into the 50-80 ng/mL range. Thrombosis is the medical term for a blood clot occurring inside any blood vessel. 1,000 micrograms is far below the 680 milligrams (which is the equivalnt of 680,000 micrograms!) 2012 Mar;41(3):92-9.PMID: 22396920) If you like, you can provide them with THIS handy information sheet on Strontium Boost at your next visit. He is now telling his patients that once positive effects have been noted (say 3-6 months of 680 mg dose shown to be effective in the research) that they should drop this dose down to half this amount or even less. 2016 Sep;43(9):1105-7. Their metabolic byproducts are highly inflammatory and cause damage to the gut wall, so they can get into your bloodstream and make their way to your joints, causing inflammation and pain. Re; Robert Gouterman January 17, 2012 at 8:31 am [i.e second post above] Once improvement has been made then dropping down to a lower dose, say half to one-quarter this amount, may be sufficient. Thanks for reaching out, Sharon! Osteoporos Int. It seems that the many benefits of lactoferrin are well known, but its effect on bone building are not so well documented. Thanks! And we can check, in terms of our bones, whats happening with NTx and DXA tests, also our vitamin D levels, and Im hoping soon the test for vitamin K levels (its called unOC, which stands for uncarboxylated osteocalin) will be widely available. I only have (1) one kidney so should I take the 2 supplements? Two hours after eating is a crude rule of thumb. Maybe animal studies? Because I am 65yrs. I am not familiar with the quality control standards held by Drs Best you might want to check with them to learn what tests are run to ensure their products are free of contaminants, etc. However, unless these women were consistently taking their 680 mg strontium supplements with meals providing comparably large doses of calcium an unlikely situation they would receive some benefit from the strontium. The Advanced Super K contains all three of the Vitamin K (to total 2100 mcg of K activity) per tablet, the Low Dose K2 has 45 mcg of the MK7. Would very much appreciate any references you have on this issue and will follow up and get back to you. Both the strontium and thecalcium supplements are absorbed in our gastrointestinal tracts using the same mechanism. The 3 Different Types of Strontium Salts You Should Know About, Myth#1: Strontium Increases Fracture Risk, Myth#2: Strontium Supplements Have Side Effects, Myth#3: Strontium Skews DEXA Results Too Much To Be Reliable. The only really good food source of vitamin A is liver, which few of us consume regularly any more (and if you do eat it, PLEASE be sure to only consume organic liver!) 2005 Mar;20(3):548. As always thanks again for your insights. Mechanisms of action and therapeutic potential of strontium in bone. Aquamin (used in New Chapter) has no published studies supporting its efficacy in promoting increases in bone density. Hello! Citrate is a favorite food of unfriendly bacteria. What is the measurement being used here? Lara, Thanks for the extra git you gave, much appreciated. Osteogenic differentiation of rat bone marrow stromal cells by various intensities of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound. I am currently taking AlgaeCal and Strontium Boost daily, for 2 years now. Bovine lactoferrin improves bone mass and microstructure in ovariectomized rats via OPG/RANKL/RANK pathway. Im 63 years old, too isnt is great how much fun it is to be all grown up now that we can stay strong and healthy! Please do not wait! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Shaine, Hi Shaine, I found a number of recent papers. You can learn more about our human clinical trials HERE. I am not a doctor, but I can at least give you some suggestions to look into and discuss with your physician. Is there any validity to this statement? 2012 May 28;13(1):78. Heres a quote from a paper discussing the differences among readings from different DXA machines: The theoretical values of the strontium ratio were 11.0 for the Hologic Discovery, 9.9 for the GE-Lunar Prodigy, 9.1 for the Demetech Calscan, and 8.5 for the Osteometer Dexacare G4. The biochemical reason for this is that minerals each have an ionic charge that must be balanced in a salt, you have a cation and an anion a positively charged and negatively charged atom or atoms in the mineral and the organic compound with which it combines, that balance each other, so that a stable compound is formed. I love both, and try to have an ounce regularly great for a snack with an apple, in omelets, and my familys all time favorite wonderful in tuna melts (I make tuna fish salad with canned tuna, omega-3 rich mayonnaise, lemon juice and a tablespoon of capers or jalapenos, spread it on whole wheat bread, top with a slice of Jarlsberg, spray the top of the sandwich with an organic olive oil version of PAM, put it on a cookie sheet and toast it the oven at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes. What everyone heard about was radioactive strontium for building atomic bombs and no company was willing to launch healthful strontium products with public perception as it was. Description. Thanks for sharing this research! Baseline levels of strontium will always be low unless you live in Turkey in the one region where strontium levels in the soil are extraordinarily high. Conventionally grown vegetables have been shown to contain far less of many minerals, so if you are not eating organic, all bets are off here. A number of the plethora of supposedly safe food additives in processed foodspreservatives, food colorings, fake flavorings, etc.may be problematic in some individuals. I have been diagnoised with Osteoprosis. What else can be done so I can still take the s booster? Strontium (Citrate) is an alkali earth metal, very similar in structure to Calcium, and has a similar effect in the body. Supplemental strontium should be avoided in individuals with a creatinine clearance less than 50 mL/minute or who are on dialysis. Below, Ive copied in for you two abstracts of recent papers discussing this. Not to worry, this can be rectified! As a medical editor/writer, I typically spend 3-4 hours every day scanning the research and bone health is my special interest, so thats how I learned about AlgaeCal. Remember, however, that you are most likely getting calcium from your diet, too this counts! They are the result of strontiums very positive bone-building effects on virtually all the key molecules involved in bone remodeling, including the following: RANKL &OPG: RANKL binding to RANK stimulates osteoclast production and activity; strontium inhibits RANKL binding. What issues have you had that have lead you to these choices? Most importantly, vitamin K2 was not used in Plan 2, but was included in Plan 3 as MK-7 (100 mcg). I like it when people reach the same conclusions I have. Your multiple (250 mg) plus AlgaeCal (720 mg) delivers 970 mg. used a more aggressive exercise program. The AM packet contains 1g of strontium citrate. 16/04/2012 18:14. Hi Ann, Try to follow a plant based diet, not so easy to learn!! In conclusion, the different studies performed on bone samples from monkeys and humans treated with various doses of SR showed that Sr was heterogeneously distributed between new and old bone but in a dose-dependent manner without alteration of the crystal characteristics and the degree of mineralization of bone tissue, even after long-term administration of often high doses of SR (the highest therapeutic dose used in humans is 4-fold lower than the lowest experimental dose administered to monkeys). my mission. I hope this will fully clear up your confusion, and now that AlgaeCal is aware of the potential for misunderstanding, steps can be taken to make the label on Strontium Boost easier to understand correctly. Super Power Bars, Vegan Hemp Butter Protein Bars, Salted Chocolate and Pistachio Energy Bars, or these Raw Sprouted Buckwheat Bars. Please purchase tuna that has been following the AlgaeCal and can personally tell you their quality is... 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