A) typically 10 times lower in a clear-cut watershed C) Predators are more disease-prone than animals at lower trophic levels. D) wetlands, Which category in the figure makes available the highest productivity per square meter? (a) Fungi (b) Eukarya (c) Archaea (d) Protists. Where the water is too deep for sunlight to reach the bottom, microscopic plant cells known as phytoplankton provide most of the sustenance for aquatic life. Group of answer choices. Biology questions and answers. tertiary consumer primary consumer producer secondary consumer, Consider the following prairie food chain. Found on soil and stones as well as some ferns and other plants, these poikilohydric plants are able to transition between active and resting phases depending on whether they are wet or dry. To which group of the periodic table does oxygen belong? Detritus can be consumed by which of the following primary decomposers? E) The amount of biomass in the producer level of an ecosystem decreases if the producer turnover time increases. 42) Use the following figure to answer the question. animals cannot produce their own food. After a rain, algae and lichens become photosynthetically active and (due to their ability to reproduce rapidly) provide a food source for higher-level organisms before the desert heat causes the water to evaporate. - Definition & Examples. . Which of the following statements regarding this flow of energy is true? Some may discolor the water, have a foul odor or make the water or fish taste bad, but not be toxic. The following diagram (Figure 2) illustrates how this works in terms of the energy losses at each level. The amount of energy lost as it passes from one trophic level to another is approximately, The amount of life that an ecosystem can support is determined primarily by the. Animalia 2. 56) The first step in ecosystem restoration is to ________. B) oceans 59) Which of the following would be considered an example of bioremediation? Therefore, the color, textures, and curves of wood used in the product can be changed. a. a green algal protist b. a choanoflagellate c. an amoeboid protist d. a slime mold, Nonliving microbes a. Animalia b. Bacteria c. Viruses d. Protista e. Fungi f. None of the above. C) C C. ferns and hornworts. Get access to this video and our entire Q&A library, What is a Decomposer? 8) Use the following figure to answer the question. 2) Which of the following terms encompasses all of the others? What would happen to the new lawn of bacteria after several days? D) fungi exhibit absorptive nutrition. Answer: Option 3) primary producer. B) I and II 46) Use the following figure to answer the question. 4) Use the following figure to answer the question. To recycle nutrients, an ecosystem must have, at a minimum. Transcribed image text: 57. Week Topic/TEKS Agenda 3 . (D) It is eliminated as feces or is dissipated into space as heat, consistent with the second law of thermodynamics. Classification. Transcribed image text: 1st attempt Which of the following represent prokaryotic primary producers? C) only I, II, and IV This changing pattern of sea ice growth and melt, along with a sufficient nutrient supply, appears to be necessary to the production of ice algae. Which below is NOT a way mciosis increases genetic diversity? (a) heterotrophs (b) autotrophs (c) chemoautotrophs (d) primary producers. All fungi ______. B) typically 10 times higher in a clear-cut watershed This phytoplankton blooms under the ice, and as the ice level thins and reaches its yearly minimum, the ice algae production slows. They do this through the process of photosynthesis. Although few species of phytoplankton produce these toxins, even beneficial phytoplankton can be damaging. 16) Use the following figure to answer the question. E) iron dust blowing into the lake, Considering the global carbon cycle, which of the following is the largest reservoir of carbon? D. lichens and angiosperms. B) fungi have cell walls made of chitin. B) sedimentary bedrock most of the energy taken in by organisms does not continue to the next level of the food chain. Primary producers are those which can produce their own food. with dramatic reduction of greenhouse gases? Show your work. 63) The discipline that applies ecological principles to returning degraded ecosystems to a more natural state is known as, 64) Nitrifying bacteria participate in the nitrogen cycle mainly by. 1%. B) Predators have relatively large population sizes. Heat is emitted as infrared radiation, and some of it is retained in the atmosphere, decreasing A) Primary producers occupy the trophic level that directly feeds all autotrophs.B) Heterotrophs are able to thrive in an ecosystem without primary producers. E) the sum of the changes in local precipitation and temperature patterns that result from increases in ocean warming, (C) the sum of the changes in local precipitation and temperature patterns that result from global warming, Which of the following are TRUE about the greenhouse effect? d. Eukaryotic. 50) Use the following figure to answer the question. chemosynthetic bacteria. 60) Acid precipitation lowered the pH of soil in a terrestrial ecosystem that supported a diverse community of plants and animals. They occupy the first trophic level in a food chain ( where transfer of energy takes place between different organisms) within an ecosystem. B) Decomposers compete with higher-order consumers for nutrients and energy. Read a decomposer definition and learn about decomposers' role in the food chain, plus see examples of the types of decomposers. a. multicellular b. photosynthetic c. eukaryotic d. parasitic e. marine, What are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms such as mammals called? Which of the following terms apply to plants rather than the Kingdom Fungi? Scientists use trophic cycles to study the flow of matter in an ecosystem by observing feeding relationships between organisms. Oak trees produce their own food by photosynthesis. C) Nutrient cycles involve both abiotic and biotic components of ecosystems. They also occur in brackish waters. a) Yeasts b) Sponges c) Sporozoans d) Fishes e) Diatoms. 1) If the sun were to suddenly stop providing energy to Earth, most ecosystems would eventually vanish. $\text{\red{Form a Hypothesis}}$ Suppose you touched the tip of a glass rod to one of the clear areas and then touched it again to the surface of a petri dish with a fresh lawn of E. coli. D) 3C E) It is recycled by decomposers to smaller and smaller forms until it finally breaks down to form soil. 36) For most terrestrial ecosystems, pyramids composed of species abundances, biomass, and energy are similar in that they have a broad base and a narrow top. What is a producer, a consumer (primary and secondary), and a decomposer? D) 10 percent D) II, Using the accompanying figure, what is the predicted change in temperature under a model with continued very high emission of greenhouse gases? Blue Heron b Wild Rice . Bacteria d Pike Fish Plz help answer quick thank you The accompanying figure represents net primary productivity organized by ________. They can be thought of as the first and most important step in the food chain. A hare (or a population of hares) ingests plant matter; we'll call . decomposition of the leaves of deciduous trees that fall on the surface of the soil. Trophic efficiency is ________. II. Which of the following is a kingdom and not also a domain? A) only I C) reduction of nitrogen available to terrestrial ecosystems Which of the following is not an autotroph? The sons would be :-. 15) Use the following figure to answer the question. more similar questions B) Top-level feeders tend to be small but are capable of conserving more energy. Whether you need help solving quadratic equations, inspiration for the upcoming science fair or the latest update on a major storm, Sciencing is here to help. Organisms at the top of the chain eventually die and are then consumed by decomposers, which fix the nitrogen levels and provide the organic material necessary for the next generation of primary producers. Which level of the energy pyramid has the greatest biomass? Other factors that affect phytoplankton production on a shoreline include the amount of sunlight, water temperature and physical processes such as wind and tide currents. E) atmosphere, Which of the following human activities is impacting the water cycle the LEAST? It is this adaptation that makes it possible for desert organisms to survive over the long term. at each step, energy is lost from the system because of the second law of thermodynamics. They live in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and produce carbohydrates necessary for those higher up in the food chain to survive. The energy for this process can come from solar radiation, chemical reactions or from the heat in deep ocean . b. herbivores at the bottom, carnivores in the middle, and primary producers at the top. Q. 29) Which of the following ecosystems would likely have the largest net primary productivity per hectare and why? Plant roots that held soil particles in place are no longer there. a primary consumers. Which statement best describes what ultimately happens to the chemical energy that is NOT converted to new biomass in the process of energy transfer between trophic levels in anecosystem? The answer is Primary consumers and producers. Which of the following factors account for the inefficiency of the rate of photosynthesis? D) both primary and secondary productivity, After looking at the experiment in the accompanying figure, what can be said about nutrient b. (B) About 90% of the energy is lost between most trophic levels. D) ocean neritic zone. Animals like shrimp and crabs can break the materials down to detritus. D) The answer is most likely a combination of the other responses. cyanobacteria. (c) Fungi. They are called transducers because they change light energy to chemical energy. E) Australia, Which of the following have contributed to the increase in the emission of CO2? An arid desert ecosystem does not have a consistent water supply, so its primary producers, such as algae and lichen, spend some periods of time in an inactive state. 30 seconds. All rights reserved. Finally, answer the five questions following the food web diagram. Primary producers are consumed by primary consumers (generally herbivores), which are then consumed by secondary consumers and so on. Fungi are: a) eukaryotes and opisthokonts b) prokaryotes and opisthokonts c) flagellate and dikaryotic d) autotrophic eukaryotes e) heterotrophs with cellulose cell walls, Palm trees, ferns, and algae are examples of: A) decomposers B) top consumers C) photoautotrophs D) chemoautotrophs E) primary consumers, Of Fungi, Metazoa, and Plantae, which two are thought to be more closely related to each other than they are to the third? b. Decomposers of dead leaves and dead animals. . Varying conditions mean that organisms can only thrive in certain seasons and many, including primary producers, exist in a dormant stage for part of the year. e. Predators, How would the following organism be classified? In other words, all animals are dependent, either directly or indirectly on the food materials stored in plants. The first level is producers, the second level is primary consumers, the third level is secondary consumers, and the fourth level is tertiary consumers. The law of conservation of mass states that matter cannot be created, yet matter is sometimes gained or lost to an ecosystem. d. Pathogens of plants and animals. A. an increase in primary producers in the ecosystem B. an increase in primary consumers in an ecosystem C. an increase in secondary consumers in an ecosystem D. an increase in detritivores in an ecosystem. They eat plants. In ecosystems, why is the term cycling used to describe the transfer of chemical elements, whereas the term flow is used for energy exchange? Primary producers in those environments use chemosynthesis instead. Energy flows through the trophic levels of a food web. C) ones that use nitrogen-containing compounds as an electron acceptor. D) D a. Protista b. Plantae c. Bacteria d. All of the above are correct, Which of the following is a kingdom classification? They live in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and produce carbohydrates necessary for those higher up in the food chain to survive. B) only II and IV a) yeasts and molds b) algae and protozoa c) helminths d) all of the above, In which of the following groups does seaweed belong? Chemical elements are repeatedly used, but energy passes through and between ecosystems. Which of the following is a consequence of biological magnification? Step 1: Trophic levels. E) 0C, Using the accompanying figure, what is the predicted change in temperature under a model 54) Why do logged tropical rain forest soils typically have nutrient-poor soils? They use the chemical energy found in the minerals of the hot spring to create hydrogen sulfide. Which letter represents an organism that could be a producer? D) reduction of nitrogen fixation by bacteria Protista 5. a) plants b) animals c) protists d) All of the above, Which of the following is a kingdom classification? Animals b. Next rank the relative concentration of DDE in each plant/animal using the following scale: 1 = lowest concentration - 10 = highest concentration. A) Polar bears can provide more food for humans than seals can. B) only II and IV Choose one or more: A. moss B. viruses C. seaweed D. protists E. lithoautotrophs F. fungi G. cyanobacteria 15 OF 19 QUESTIONS COMPLETED. Phytoplankton become important producers in the sea because can transform inorganic carbon in the atmosphere into organic compounds. After working as a producer for the university's television production unit for several years, she was hired by Funes Media Company to work as a line producer on documentaries that were later sold to networks like TRT and AL Jazeera while she was still in school. B) geography Energy transfer between trophic levels tends to be of very low efficiency. 57) The goal of restoration ecology is to ________. A) secondary consumers and top carnivores require less energy than producers A) Toxic chemicals in the environment pose greater risk to top-level predators than to primary consumers. About how much of the chemical energy fixed by photosynthesis of the grass (100 percent) is available to the hawk? When these micro-organisms multiply too quickly, creating a dense mat on the water's surface, the resulting overpopulation can cause hypoxia or low levels of oxygen in the water, which disrupts the ecosystem. A) only I and III II. D. decomposers. Why the confusion? I. increases in human population a. plants b. animals c. All of the Above d. protist. They are both heterotrophic. All of the organisms living in your aquarium and the abiotic factors with which they interact. B) Passing examination with 75% or higher score. Conditions that are right for one organism may not be for another, so it benefits the ecosystem when one can be dormant while another thrives. To the correct answer, that is. . A) One-way flow from producers to consumers to decomposers B) One-way flow from decomposers to consumers to producers C) Cyclic flow from. Option (c): Secondary consumers are carnivores which feed on the primary consumers. 62) Which of these ecosystems has the lowest net primary production per square meter? are referred to as primary producers. Upon graduating with honors and working for several . Labeling a carnivore as a heterotroph would be correct. 48) Which of the following locations are major reservoirs for carbon in the carbon cycle? 30. C) fossilized plant and animal remains (coal, oil, and natural gas) Producers ( that synthesize their own food through photosynthesis) occupy the first trophic level in a food chain and the amount of biomass can be depicted through pyramid of biomass, which contains primarily four trophic levels that are - Primary producers, Primary consumers, Secondary consumers, and Tertiary consumers. Which of the following is multicellular? Water appears on both sides of the equation because the water molecule is split, and new water molecules are made in the process. - editor and reporter. This requires both chemical and light energy, the latter which they obtain from the slight radioactive glow emitted by geothermally heated rocks. Short Answer. A) only I and III What is the production efficiency of this owl? B) archaea. A) tropical wet forest Which of the following groups of organisms are decomposers? B) I and II Primary producers are those organisms that can synthesize their own food using carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight ( photosynthesis). Most diverse kingdom a. Animalia b. Bacteria c. Viruses d. Protista e. Fungi f. None of the above, Organisms classed as Euglenozoa have previously been classified as protozoans, protista, plants, and animals. (D) The answer is most likely a combination of the other responses. C) polar ice caps The decrease in pH eliminated all nitrogen-fixing bacteria populations in the area. Why is net primary production (NPP) a more useful measurement to an ecosystem ecologist than gross primary production (GPP)? Basically, this is how a Fujian is proceeding. D) fungi. \\ c. Protista. Unicellular autotrophs may be found in the kingdom _______. D) only II, III, and IV Measurements of phytoplankton production have been found to be higher near shorelines in areas where nutrients from the land essentially fertilize the ocean with nitrogen and phosphorous. Viruses 4. Higher levels of phytoplankton, likely due to greater availability of nutrients and longer residence time have been found in marsh systems than in nearby coastal estuaries. Assume that, over a period of time, an owl consumes 5,000 J of animal material. D) Germany They form the basis of the food chain by creating food through photosynthesis or chemosynthesis. Three former Rust crew members have filed a new lawsuit against Alec Baldwin and the film's producers, claiming they failed to follow safety rules. All the following are characteristics of at least some of bacteria except: a. may be photosynthetic b. may be heterotrophic c. may have a cell wall d. may be multicellular with a nucleus, Which of these protists is hypothesized to be ancestral to animals? Tall grass is consumed by grasshoppers that, in turn, are eaten by mice, and the mice are eaten by prairie kingsnakes. can synthesize their food.They provide food, shelter, and O to the consumers. The following are primary producers, except: \\ a. Cyanobacteria. Which of the following kingdoms contain members that are autotrophs? Her work has also appeared on LetsGetOutside.us and Happy Science Mom. For example, if 1,000 kilocalories of energy are present at the primary producer level, one-tenth of this energy (about 100 kilocalories) is passed to the primary consumers in the next level. A) recycle chemical elements directly back to primary consumers In some cases these nutrients are then stored and only released slowly in anticipation of the next rain event. The second trophic level consists of primary consumers the herbivores, or animals that eat plants. 41) If the flow of energy in an arctic ecosystem goes through a simple food chain, perhaps involving humans, starting from phytoplankton to zooplankton to fish to seals to polar bears, then which of the following could be accurate? Organisms in all trophic levels above the primary producers are called. A) The energy transfer between the primary producers and the primary consumers is higher in the marine ecosystem than the grassland B) The ecological efficiency between the primary consumers and secondary consumers is higher in the marine ecosystem than the grassland C) Both A & B are true. Nutrient export is ________. Which of the following is most correct regarding non-limiting and limiting nutrients? What is the estimated age of this sample? B) animals. d. Bacteria. A) having a single species of herbivore feeding on each plant species B) rivers and lakes Which of the following is most correct regarding primary producers? Amount of energy available to primary consumers At the top level are secondary consumers the carnivores and omnivores who eat the primary consumers. Which prediction most accurately reflects the impact this will have on the community? All of the following are ways fungi are similar to animals except A) fungi store extra food in the form of glycogen. Analysts at Deutsche Bank raised their target price on Associated British Foods from 2,180.0p to 2,300.0p on Tuesday, stating its Primark unit had driven "another upgrade". C) symbiotic. C. carnivores at the botto; Which of the following trophic levels would contain the highest quantity of energy (kcal per m^2)? Which of the following most often controls the rate of nutrient cycling in ecosystems? The none of the above is what this is. Primary producers comprise the bottom trophic level, followed by primary consumers (herbivores), then secondary consumers (carnivores feeding on herbivores), and so on. Which kingdom of eukarya consists primarily of unicellular organisms? 3) To recycle nutrients, an ecosystem must have, at a minimum, ________. D) II and III only Q. E) 0C, The shift in the peak of caterpillar season is most likely due to ________. As with all ecosystems, each element of a freshwater pond ecosystem is dependent on the other elements and organisms for survival. |<1 | | | I also work in a social media capacity, primarily . producers and decomposers. This non-linear set of interactions which shows the complex flow of energy in nature is more easily visualized in the following diagram. D. Eukaryotic, multicellular organisms such a. contains the smallest percentage of global water? Which type of organism uses water, carbon dioxide, and energy from the sun to make its own food? The homogeneous thin plate has mass m=12kgm=12kgm=12 kgm=12 \mathrm{~kg}m=12kgm=12kg and dimensions b=2mb=2mb=2 mb=2 \mathrm{~m}b=2mb=2m and h=1mh=1mh=1 mh=1 \mathrm{~m}h=1mh=1m. Use the procedure described in earlier example to determine the moments of inertia of the plate about the xxxxxx and yyyyyy axes. The first trophic level of an ecosystem consists of. They are organisms that feed on primary consumers for nutrients and energy. a. Protists b. Archaea c. Kingdom Animalia d. Kingdom Plantae, What are eukaryotic, multicellular organisms such as mushrooms called? E) nitrogen-fixing bacteria. B) <1C (a) Bacteria (b) Archaea (c) Fungi (d) Helminths (e) Protozoa. A) Many primary and higher-order consumers are opportunistic feeders. In turn, zooplankton, which include copepods, jellyfish and fish at the larval stage, provide food for filter-feeding organisms such as bivalves and sponges as well as amphipods, other fish larvae and small fish. extinctions A. First-order heterotrophs B. Third-order heterotrophs C. Producers D. None of the Above, What is another term for autotroph? Question: It takes a great mass of primary producers to support a healthy ecosystem that includes tertiary consumers. III. If a field contains approximately 1,000 kilocalories of energy in grass, which is eaten by crickets, which are eaten by birds, then approximately how many kilocalories of energy could be in the birds that live in this field? Which of the following is an example of a primary producer? The three plaintiffs claim Baldwin ignored warning signs which led to the death of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. 34) How does inefficient transfer of energy among trophic levels result in the typically high endangerment status of many top-level predators? C) only III 2. D) nitrogen fixation by bacteria, Consider the global nitrogen cycle depicted in the accompanying figure. Since they are not mobile, they live and grow where there are nutrients to sustain them. plant and animal biomass A) the changes in precipitation patterns that result from global warming a. Worms. B) Canada The primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States are: Transportation (27% of 2020 greenhouse gas emissions) - The transportation sector generates the largest share of greenhouse gas emissions. 32) Owls eat rats, mice, shrews, and small birds. Which of the following is most correct regarding primary producers? As the primary source of food for zooplankton, these organisms form the base of the food chain for the entire ocean population. D) the changes in ocean temperatures as a result of increased global carbon emissions |>1 | | |. label each plant/animal with one of the following labels: primary producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer or tertiary consumer. C) 1 percent Sunlight cannot reach deep on the ocean floor, yet primary producers still thrive there. 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