A person 's life is individual and, George is justified in killing Lennie because he is already being punished enough mentally. WebKilling his best friend was justified though, for one George and Lennie were always on the move because Lennie always messed up, two, in the end when Lennie messed up again, Curly was going to make him suffer for killing his wife and breaking his hand. Also, George knew that if the ranchers were to catch Lennie, they would kill him as revenge for killing Curley's wife. They have to use the facts and stick to the law. After Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife, he flees to the riverbed, where George meets up with him. WebIn Of Mice and Men, George is not legally justified in killing Lennie because his act would be perceived by officials of the law as murder. George making this choice was right because Lennie had What happened that made George stop playing tricks on Lennie in Of Mice and Men? The idea that people have both high and low-level goals is captured by the: Describe why efficiency is maximised in the loanable funds market when equilibrium exists. He didnt mean to harm, or scare her. Aint you gonna give me no more hell? No, said George. At the very least, George would be thrown into jail and he due to his mental disability, he would not even comprehend the reason for his incarceration. "Everybody gonna be nice to you. Well, in the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, two men, George and Lennie, shared and worked for the same dream until several problems occurred, when eventually their dream lead to Lennie's demise. "An' you got it away from him and you took it an' you killed him?""Yeah. What comes to mind when the word loyalty is mentioned? Lennie did not mean to kill them on purpose. The reason that George ends up killing Lennie is because Lennie couldn't find anything valuable about himself and was no longer worth the trouble to George. you can use them for inspiration and simplify your student life. We should also bear in mind that George is supposed to be Lennie's friend, the only true friend Lennie ever really had. George killing Lennie himself was a justifiable action because it gave him the chance to let Lennie die in a positive way. Loyalty can be associated with loneliness because by the end of a friendship or family member, someone is always gone before the other, due to old age or a medical issue that has come up. Get up on your feet. I'll kill the big son-of-a-bitch myself. I swear you hadda. Before George shot Lennie, he told Lennie about their dream. George should have killed Lennie because worse things would have awaited him if he went to trial. WebGeorge killing Lennie was justified because had to think about Lennie's life ahead if he didn 't make this choice. Lennie had to be killed because he didnt know his own strength. Although it violates God's law and Man's law could it still be seen as a justifiable choice. George even contradicts some of his own put-downs towards Lennie as seen on when he compliments Lennies work ethic, saying, he is a hell of a good worker and strong as a bull (pg 22). The opposing side is saying that George shouldnt have killed Lennie because they were best friends, and George made a promise to Lennie. What does it mean to be justified? That too is what Of Mice and Men is all about. One last reason why George could be considered "right" in killing Lennie is that George has finally come to his wit's end with caring for Lennie. Ill shootem in the guts. (SteinBeck 5) He said it himself in that quote that he is going to kill him no matter what. We never know what could have happened, because George shot him. But if the other outcome is worse, you're obligated/called to do the right/more humane outcome. He is being charged with voluntary manslaughter because he killed Lennie while in a time of passion and out of sympathy for him. Lennie cant be liable for, This paragraph will be about the book Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck. He should kill Lennie because Lennie cannot control his mind because of his mental problem even he did not mean to do the thing that he have done but George might have the better life If he did not have to take care of Lennie and at last if George did not kill Lennie, Curley will shoot Lennie. WebIt's possible to say that George isn't justified in killing Lennie simply because it is wrong to take someone else's life. With this knowledge, George ultimately decides that taking Lennies life is unequivocally the most merciful way to remedy the egregious situation. WebJoin the dicussion. By killing Lennie, however noble George's intentions may be, he is clearly breaking that promise. "Everybody gonna be nice to you. Lennie shouldn't have been shot, and it pained Lennie especially since he was the one forced to do so. I tried not to forget. They conversation calms and soothes Lennie, who hopes to finally get the farm that he and George dreamed about for so many years. Third, one could argue that George is enacting justice. George is justified in killing Lennie because he is already being punished enough mentally. What is the meaning and significance of the last line in Of Mice and Men: "Now what the hell do you suppose is eatin' them two guys?" Although, George uses foul language toward Lennie, his actions show his compassion and caring. The other side of the argument is that they were very close friends and Lennie never did anything to get killed. gmail bomber apk 6cg7 headphone amp customer does not have the privilege to see the cost csp smartlazyhustler dating format uconexam22 uconnect 5 navigation is sander stage legit max heap calculator online hf ldmos woodenboat magazine index What is Candys greatest fear? Previously learning from the experience Candy had when he let someone else shoot his dog, George knew that shooting Lennie was his job to do. Lennie was going to die no matter what, George just decided to do it for Lennies sake. Use T-accounts to record the transaction if it create revenues. WebExplains that george was justified in killing lennie because he was just protecting him from curley. Many people argues it was unjustified to kill Lennie because they could have escaped together, however Lennie is a nuisance and tends to cause trouble 1261 Words 6 Pages Good Essays Read More George is trying to prevent Lennie from being tortured and from his constant desire to please George and not cause trouble. For example, Curley instigates a fight between himself and Lennie, demanding respect, and power when he says, Come on, ya big bastard. He knew that if Lennie was still alive, he would suffer greatly for two reasons: Curley wanted to avenge his wife and eventually Lennie would be sent to jail. This quote means that Lennie is going to be murdered no matter what. George was small, Lennie on the other hand was huge. Candy regretted not being the one to shoot his own dog. Therefore, George was pointing out to Lennie that they have what most guys in their time period dont, they have each other and George is telling Lennie that thats how he wants it to stay. And he was too dumb to realize what he was doing. George lets Lennie know that hes never been mad, an I aint now. cZPZvdA Iy{vfaFP@WKRtZnTnAdg>?Wzj4 T.KuvJVzk\/-G"TmW-x DPy3jagNhN(PYJ5]1r$ou.j],&ohp (><0B";&etn? Lennie should have been killed because he had broke Curleys hand, killed a puppy, and killed a woman. Latest answer posted June 05, 2020 at 1:01:08 PM. If George were to let the ranchers get Lennie, then Curley says he will shoot him in, In what situation would it be okay to kill your best friend? They may be friends, but we know they are not equal, as one walks behind the other, like a follower behind a leader. Lennie is dumb while George is average intelligence and likes to think ahead. Lets do it now. Lennie could not look after himself so Lennies aunt told george to look after him. George had done the right thing. This is demonstrated by Georges understanding of the lack of alternate options. In Chapter 1, what does George tell Lennie to do if he gets in trouble at their new job site in Of Mice and Men. The quote shows that If George did not have Lennie, maybe he could have a better life more than this because he does not have to take care of Lennie and he can live his life without get in trouble. Curley and What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? It is true that George shot Lennie, but what some do not understand is why this occurred. Should George have murdered Lennie? After all the anger that George has shown towards Lennie, he utters these words now so Lennie can die with a sense of peace. WebIn the quote, "I done it for the best," George suggests that he believed that killing Lennie was the best course of action given the circumstances. Lennie was becoming a threat. What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? George does not want to pull the trigger, but he knows that the further consequences of Lennies actions will only worsen. What does the title Of Mice and Men mean? He knows it's almost certain that Lennie will be executed for killing Curley's wife, or maybe even lynched; at the very least, he's looking at a long stretch in prison. Why does George repeat a story that has been told so many times before? In the first chapter of Of Mice and Men, what does George say to Lennie about how his life could be better without him? It was also a good idea because Lennie was going to get shot anyways, and George wanted to do it instead of having people Lennie didnt know shoot him. WebThe quotes show Lennie saying he didnt mean to forget, and it shows George saying how all Lennie remembers is tending the rabbits. Following the reading of John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men, the impression made to many readers was that the character George did not have many choices regarding the fate of his friend, Lennie. You aint so little as mice. I aint mad. Lennie made many troubles this might be because of his disability, but this is the reason that he deserves to live. samples are real essays written by real students who kindly donate their papers to us so that In this story Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, I do believe that George was right to kill Lennie. Even though shooting Lennie wasnt planned I think George knew it was going to have to be done sometime in the future because, Lennie ruins all of George 's chances of keeping a steady job. The hand shook violently, but his (George) face set and his hand steadied. He didnt know better and what is right from wrong. George had done the right thing. One reason George should not have killed Lennie because everything that happened, was an accident. WebIt was justified when George shot Lennie because Lennie made multiple poor mistakes, it was the only necessary thing to do. Even though the action was bad, George decided it was best to kill Lennie to protect him. Just imagine what would happen if everyone did that. This conclusion cannot be drawn directly, but Georges words during Lennies final moments imply that George did not kill his best friend for malicious reasons. Given the fact that Lennie has already assaulted a woman in Weed and accidentally murdered Curley's wife, there is no telling if Lennie would accidentally harm another person if George did not shoot him. George Milton had to decide the fate of his closest friends life. Even though George didn't want to have to shoot Lennie it was the right thing to do even if it seemed wrong. They ain't got nobody in the world that gives a hoot in hell about em-" "But not us" Lennie cried happily "But not us" he said "An' I got you. What are two examples showing how Lennie is discriminated against because of his disability in the book Of Mice and Men? George tried to help him at all times as far as he could, but still Lennie was still in serious trouble, that 's precisely the reason why George wanted to prevent Lennie suffering in the future because he realized that he could not live alone. My argument is George should have killed Lennie because Curley would have killed him anyway. The amount of original essays that we did for our clients, The amount of original essays that we did for our clients. In the novella, Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, Georges decision to kill Lennie at the end of the novel was justified. 2023. Who are the experts?Our certified Educators are real professors, teachers, and scholars who use their academic expertise to tackle your toughest questions. 2. Without George killing Lennie , he could have been tortured and killed brutally, but instead, George filled his mind with happy thoughts and ended it without any pain. This tells us that he can achieve things. WebGeorge is justified in killing Lennie because Lennies actions were slowly escalating, and since he already killed someone most likely he would do it again. And he was too dumb to realize what he was doing. Georges actions were foreshadowed earlier in the book as well, with Candy saying, I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. I believe George should have killed Lennie because he has hurt people, cant control himself, and would have probably ended up in a horrible mental institution anyway. Study Guides; Q & A; Lesson Plans; Essay Editing Services; Literature Essays; College Application Essays; Textbook Answers; why did George kill Lennie and was he justified in doing that? Lennies violent acts are not to be blamed on George. Despite all of the dangers and problems Lennie got George and himself into, George benefited and also learned from Lennies mistakes. Since they had a special connection, George cared for him so much that he knew the right thing to do is to let him go and die happily, peacefully, with no struggle. WebGeorge had justification in taking Lennie's life as retribution for the murder Lennie had committed. Slim knows that it is not George's fault that his and Lennie's "well-laid plans" have "gone awry.". The characters in the book accept that and the consequences that arise are heinous but seemingly necessary to the men. By Lennie saying this the reader is really depicting how mentally unaware this man is of his power by squishing a rabbits head with his own fingers. In the book of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George, one of the main characters, has to kill his best friend- Lennie Small. Sure hes just like a kid, there aint no more harming him than a kid neither (Steinbeck 43). Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, is a novella about the American Dream two friends have. In John Steinbecks novel, Of Mice and Men, two men, Lennie and George, travel through California 's Central Valley looking for work. They got ran out of Weed(the old farm they used to work at) for harassing a girl and not letting her go. He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid" (25). eNotes Editorial, 21 Nov. 2019, https://www.enotes.com/homework-help/what-three-reasons-george-was-right-kill-lennie-282271. WebI believe that George was justified when he shot Lennie because lennie was going to go to prison anyways,Curly would have done the same thing but he would have made Lennie The text showed how Lennie has no value to George and yet he takes him in. George killed Lennie out of love because he knew Lennie would suffer if he lived longer. He has done many thing that make George get into trouble and It is better if Lennie has to die because of George shoot him not the other. Lennie cannot change his mental disability nor can Crooks change his race, but due to these inalterable characteristics, Lennie hurts others unintentionally, and Crooks is hurt by others. Essentially, George is saving Lennie from a far more brutal death at the hands of Curley's lynch mob. Ain't gonna be no more trouble." Saving and keeping Lennie alive is the better option, because they could always escape from Curly and live on the farm they talked about. George killing Lennie was a shock to readers. Ask and answer questions. Lets get that place now (106). One of the most controversial aspects of George Steinbeck 's novel Of Mice and Men, was the death of Lennie by his friends hands. WebJoin the dicussion. Another reason is If George did not kill Lennie others would have killed him. Latest answer posted November 19, 2020 at 6:35:21 PM. It's possible to say that George isn't justified in killing Lennie simply because it is wrong to take someone else's life. They aint so little." What happened that made George stop playing tricks on Lennie in Of Mice and Men? Also Curley and Carlson wouldve tortured Lennie and then killed, George's decision to kill Lennie was justified because Lennie was going to be killed no matter what. }ksw \ %|SEJdfD:+`@A George was not a stranger to Lennie, he was actually his best friend. Either way, both resulted in Lennies death. WebThis Answer Now 1. George knows that if Curley and the other men find Lennie that they will kill him. In the passage, Of mice and men, lennie says I dont want ta hurt you (Steinbeck 91). In Of Mice and Men, was George justified in shooting Lennie? In short, Lennie was killed for a reason, I see it as a justified reason. George also knows that Curley is still angry with Lennie for breaking his hand and that Curley will not be killing Lennie as a "sympathy" killing. Web2012 jeep grand cherokee ac blowing hot air on driver side. Wir haben uns die Mhe gemacht , das Produkt auf alle Aspekte zu prfen, um Ihnen eine Copyright 2023 IPL.org All rights reserved. Some people might think in the opposite side that George should not killed Lennie because Lennie did not mean to anything. George is going to regret this in his future. Latest answer posted June 05, 2020 at 1:01:08 PM. He would not have had to worry about him anymore. That's how." Tricking your best friend? By using it, you accept our. What is important here is that George says Lennie is a problem because he can never do anything for himself. Some decisions you have to make in life are so difficult that we would rather not have to deal with them. 'Course we 'll shoot 'im." Other people might of thought it was okay for George to kill Lennie, but I think George shouldnt have killed Lennie. Killing his best friend was justified though, for one George and Lennie were always on the move because Lennie always messed up, two, in the end when Lennie messed up again, Curly was going to make him suffer for killing his wife and breaking his hand. Shoot for his guts. Though George feels that he executes a mercy killing, much as Dr. Kevorkian felt that he was ending the pain of those in whose suicides he assisted, such a choice to end another's life is not really available to another man. Lennie is worthless, because he does. I never been mad, an I aint now. An' s'pose they lock him up and strap him down and put him in a cage. George should have killed Lennie because Lennie is disabled so if Lennie ie gone, George doesnt have to worry about all the mistakes Lennie is going to make. Lastly, Lennie would not be able to survive on his own. Third, George had to kill Lennie because lennie would have done it again. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from em. Les do it now. WebGeorges decision to kill Lennie was ultimately for his benefit. Their narrow escape indicates that George may be better off without Lennie. All in all, Lennies death was not a mercy killing, it was a murder because Lennie was never in terrible pain because of his disability, he was not apart of a bad life, and he could have lived on to do other. George made the right decision to kill Lennie because they were best friends and Lennie kept causing George trouble it was his only option. It was one lacking self-control. George and Lennie were best friends, and have been since they were little. How Did Critics React to Of Mice and Men? I'm going for my shotgun. Since George told Lennies aunt that he would take care of Lennie. George knows that it would only be right for him to be the one to take Lennie's life. Those are examples of bumps on the road. An you aint to be trusted with no live mice. I shouldn 't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog. Since George killed Lennie if he got caught by the cops then he would have been sent to prison. Hes gonna beat the hell outta you an then go away an leave you.the rabbit repeated softly over and over, He gonna leave youHe gonna leave ya all alone. (Steinbeck 102) Since this rabbit is part of Lennies imagination, the rabbit represents his subconscious thought, showing that he had dwelled upon the idea of George leaving him quite a bit. Closest friends life trouble. Lennie die in a time of passion and out of because... Of Lennies actions will only worsen is saving Lennie from a far more brutal death at the hands of 's! Although it violates God 's law could it still be seen as a reason. Though George did not kill Lennie, his actions show his compassion and caring seen as a justified reason think. Then he would have killed Lennie out of sympathy for him to be blamed George! Thing to do so and have been since they were best friends and... 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