Manila Bay, the country's center of navigational trade and commerce, is shared by five cities in Metro Manila and four coastal provinces. We basically try to establish new habitat type because we cannot establish historic ecosystem. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Experimental design of recruitment experiment in a sand dredged mangrove forest at Eagle Island in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. There is nowhere along this zone that is more than 200 meters. Direct dumping is the process used when the sea bed is deep or when the underlying seabed is soft. In the course of this period a small outlet was created by the side of the sand filled area, which allowed the entry of river water into the sand filled area during high tide. The uppermost layer or photic zone is 10m of water and absorbs 80% of solar energy, which carries out primary productivity. In the same vein the wheel of the bulldozers fragments the soil particles and makes it porous and prone to leaching or wind erosion. Artificial Land Reclamation Project | Cities Skylines 44,080 views Nov 12, 2020 1.2K Dislike Share SAM BUR 118K subscribers Reclaiming land, creating artificial islands, fancy buildings and. Advertisement The tender for the. Land reclamation is gradually posing negative impact on man due to unplanned urbanization. The Great Garuda, Indonesia Project cost: $40bn (28bn) | Land to be reclaimed: 12.5km2. The palms are to be bulldozed with swamp buggies, mangrove top soil exported and seedlings planted to start a pioneer species in a mangrove protected area where no landscape reclamation activity occurs (Figure 10). In the Niger Delta area many people prefer building their houses close to the river because of the serene environment, for example the land and sea breeze that flow into the area. 2002 NYS Reclamation award . It also makes it mandatory for proponents of all new major developments to carry out EIAs on their proposed projects. The conversion of a coastal environment to a terrestrial environment is absolute and cannot be reversed. The fishing business of the residents of the community has gone pear-shaped since the land reclamation activity has begun. Nigeria has the largest population of any African country. The Land Reclamation practice area is a multidisciplinary practice that involves understanding site characteristics, desired land use outcomes and stakeholder considerations with the objective of developing a functional predetermined end land use. 86 of 1992, which guides such projects. Map of some areas around Port Harcourt that had been converted from coastal to terrestrial area. A proposed mangrove protect ted area design where no exploration, exploitation or reclamation activity will occur in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. 08 February 2021 | Land reclamation impact the coastal environment in several ways (Table 1). Kansai International Airport (in Osaka) and Hong Kong International Airport are examples where this process was deemed necessary. Mangroves are regarded as land forming organisms [10]. Off-shore dredging also disfigures the sea bottom and destroy benthic organisms. Sand mines are often abandoned after some years of operation. 1. They engage in it with a view to getting additional land for industrial purpose, building, roads construction and other activities. 86 of 1992 govern the EIA process in Nigeria. The following are natural resources found in land in Nigeria: columbite, dolomite, gold, tin, iron ore, limestone, silver, uranium and crude oil. The problem is that mangroves provide numerous ecosystem services to the local people while the palms provide no ecosystem service to the people. In 2014, an area measuring 100m50m was dredged and sand filled. Section 1(1) of the Nigerian Minerals and Mining Act, 2007 gives the federal government ownership and . Population increase has led to the migration of people towards the coastal locations. Logging activities destroys plant cover along the coast and creates a passage for people to enter to hunt for rare animals or harvest wild plant species. By doing that, the aquatic nature of the area will be disrupted and there are aquatic animals living in the sea, Afegbua added. However, many land reclamation activities are not development-centered, but business-centered. Anthropogenic activities around the coast is detrimental to its sustainability because of the addition of pollutants and contaminants [5]. An example is Buguma, an island town in the Niger Delta, which formerly had less than 100,000 people, but over the years rose to over 300,000 people. In the same vein, birds feed and nest in the dense foliage. This is because of land expansion activities such as urban development. from lands, the diking and draining of tidal marshes, the smoothing and re-vegetation of strip-mine spoil areas [8]. Sand spreading is when a spreader is mounted on a small floating barge; so sand is discharged alongside with water through perforations in the pipe. Port-Harcourt, Warri and Lagos are at the sea level. Five ways human ecology influence reclamation of coastal environment include: Concentration: is a process whereby a given area becomes concentrated by human population due to the fertility of the land. The implication of the influx of activities at the coast is the solidification of the swamps resulting to the gradual loss of biodiversity [11]. The swamps are scooped away or reinforced with sand and concrete in other to produce a hard surface on which to construct foundations of buildings. Coastal areas are often favorite sites for establishing industries that need river water to cool turbines. However, experts said, the exploitation of land and dredging for construction works in Lagos, pose a great threat to the growth of the city, especially with the fast erosion of the shorelines due to higher water levels caused by climate change. Exploratory activities bring about the reclamation of coastal lands for the purpose of laying pipelines. Land reclamation is the process of constructing fabricated land from oceans, seas, rivers and lake beds. According to history, Minna was a labour camp for railway construction and this led to . But an extreme form of conversion of a landscape to an aquaculture can be done via dredging and canalization. This could lead to permanent loss of mangroves or other plant species of economic/medicinal importance and habitat for marine organisms and wildlife and their emigration to unaffected areas, thereby upsetting the ecological balance. He explained that such development constrains the free flow of water in its natural direction and alter the flow alignment from the primary drainage channels across the city, leading to widespread flooding even with a little volume of rainfall. This system is usually used when the sea bed is shallow. The implication of these landscape reclamations is that the destruction of mangrove forests lead to a colossal loss of ecosystem services to the environment. UNITED KINGDOM, Landscape Reclamation - Rising From What's Left, Reasons for land reclamation in the Niger Delta, Impact of land reclamation on mangrove and coastal environment, Impact of landscape reclamation on marine ecosystem, The role of human ecology in land reclamation. Another importance of land reclamation in Nigeria is that it can be used to create artificial islands where they have not existed before. The process in Figure 7 may be reversible or irreversible and if not reversible can lead to the total loss of the mangrove forest and the coastal community. These phases include: (i) deforestation of mangrove forest (ii) consolidation of swamp with bulldozers, (iii) pumping of white sand from the sea bottom unto shore, (iv) sand filling of reclaimed land, and (v) construction activity e.g. Even the engines of our fishing boat are not spared. Historically, reclamation meant irrigation projects that brought wetlands and deserts (considered useless wastelands) into agricultural production. The renowned environmentalist said this is because reclamation is always of wetland and nature has provided the wetlands as a buffer between the ocean and the land areas to serve as a spring from which land-based effluent could be trapped from hitting on the ocean or the Lagoon. The Atlantic City was built by dredging up and filling in 10 kilometers (about 6.2 miles) worth of land. The law confers the mandate to implement it on the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv) in accordance with this law. Segregation: this is when units or communities cluster together based on homogeneity of ideals or goals. One, two, three, four, five, 42, 43 and 44 long years later, the Land Use Decree of 1978, promulgated by the military regime of General Olusegun Obasanjo, now retired, remains the governing law on land use in Nigeria. This smart city (Songo IBD) is now part of the elements that is very crucial to the economy of the Asian country because of wide-range of economic activities that are connected to it. Work Plan for Groundwater Study at Long Island Mines. The seedlings have been growing on the sand filled area for the past 2 years. The two aforementioned ordinances provided the template that gave rise to massive land reclamation in Lagos. Large-scale reclamation projects made land more valuable in places like . Together the system of management is called ecosystem management, which is a way of managing reserve to benefit biodiversity and people. This facility is situated at a coastal community that is land-locked. The Niger Delta is found in the southern part of Nigeria and borders the Atlantic Ocean (Figure 1). The swampy environment is a mixture of mud and water, after a long period of perturbation the swampy soil gets solidified and changes to a terrestrial environment. Cities on China's coast reclaimed an average of 700 square kilometres of land - that's about the size of Singapore - from the sea every year from 2006 to 2010 for new houses, industrial . The area can be declared a protected zone to allow for it to recuperate from the state of depauperation. The surrounding coastal area that was dredged and reclaimed was twice the existing land surface. Restoration principle is based on bringing back a degraded site to its original form. Presently buildings have been erected on the site, which are occupied by some people. Habitats and ecosystems occurring between the oceans surface (pelagic) as well as the ocean floor (benthic) are the first victims during dredging and sand filling operations. When mangroves are removed via landscape reclamation, coastal areas lose the ability to slow down run off, filter pollutants, and retain soil. Land is the basic natural earth resource, which can be used to produce ones satisfying goods and services through agriculture, industry and commerce. Obviously, Land Use Act is usually the first law that comes to mind the of most people because it is the most common land law in Nigeria. The promise of accelerating growth, however, is questionable. Yes, today, man will have his way but eventually, nature will have its way later. They gradually occupy the area through seedling recruitment process. People go as far as buying land in the bottom of the river for the purpose of future reclamation and development. They have been raising eyebrow as regards the possible environmental pitfalls it may result to; and also, and how the activities have hampered the commercial activities of the affected communities as most of the residents engage in fishing as their major source of income and livelihood. This action had further reduced the width of the coasts, leading to increased tidal flooding of terrestrial areas. This could lead to the death of soil dwelling organisms. Not surprisingly, the country that is home to the largest population of the region also has by far the largest area under cultivation. The reclamation land which is in two phases is located on a reclaimed land of over 100 hectares. This is because of the rising spate of sand mining activities that had taken over most coastal areas. Sand filling of the coasts lead to the burial of millions of species. In a classical case of land recuperation after landscape reclamation at Eagle Island in the Niger Delta, recruitment occurred through natural process within a space of 13years. I dont want to say whether it is good or bad for now but we need to be careful because nature will eventually have its way, Faniran warned. Amid a growing spate of dredging and reclamation activities in several parts of Lagos State, experts have called for caution, as the enormity of such activities along the commercial capital. I have noted four (4) problems/challenges people will most likely encounter in this line of business and also proffered some good solutions to them. I am saying this because I know several businessmen and a diplomat from Nigeria who were scammed. He advised the Lagos state government to discontinue land reclamation around the Lagos lagoon. Orange Island is another reclaimed island that covers about 150 hectares of land and is located within the Lekki axis in Lagos. Jakarta, the fastest sinking city in the world, made a plan in 2014 to tackle rising sea levels and subsidence. Contact our London head office or media team here. The water channel has to be set up to facilitate interconnectivity. Reclamation is carried out by both government and private developers. But to avert the impending doom, the Lagos State Government had issued a suspension order on all approvals in respect of land extensions into the Lagoon especially at Banana Island and Osborne Foreshore, Ikoyi. A concatenation of these activities changes the geography of the location, which eventually leads to the gradual loss of the coastal environment to landscape reclamation. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Mangroves provide various ecosystem services such as food, medicine, tools and construction materials. The dredged soil that is evacuated from the river bottom is dumped on land surface and smothers coastal vegetation such as mangroves. You have entered an incorrect email address! This is encapsulated in the Land Use Act promulgated in 1978, which states that all lands in Nigeria belong to the Federal Government, this include but not limited to under-water land that is 200 nautical miles from the shore. Apart from the risk of flooding that it portends, the activity has greatly aggravated the predicament of many residents in some of the affected areas. Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam is backing a plan to throw $64 billion . The sand mining activity was abandoned after 2 years of operation. Regrettably, the space of public opinion can be overtly toxic to the point that cynics, mischief-makers and political opportunist ride overboard. The gigantic project, like others, is being done as a Public Private Partnership (PPP) between Lagos state government and Orange Island Development Company (OIDC). Coastal sites are preferred by land speculators because they usually off-city limits and isolated from the rest of the population. This could lead to the contamination of soil surface and ground water, disruption of fishing activities and decrease in aesthetic value of the environment. What is happening in Lagos should not be different. Presence of sediments leads to the gradual formation of terrestrial areas, which becomes the habitat for plants. In Nigeria reclaimed land is used to build residential quarters, road network, vegetation pro- duction, grazing, recreation, shopping complex and refuse disposal site. Highly placed individuals prefer constructing their houses along coastal areas. It involves the creation of zones of use that include core, buffer and transition zones. What we are doing in Lagos in terms of sand filling is not new but we need to get things right. This leads to further fragmentation and formation of small mangrove islands along the coast. Rehabilitation: we are trying to restore the original ecosystem but it cannot fully be restored because most of the species had gone extinct. SINGAPORE - A new method of land reclamation will be adopted at the north-western tip of Pulau Tekong, adding new land the size of two Toa Payoh towns for military training purposes, National . Ilubirin is also a new one which has been viewed as a viable project that is being undertaken by the Lagos State Ministry of Housing and First Investment Development Company, and it is estimated to gulp about $500million (N200 billion). It also involves the establishment of well heads and booth camps. We provide you with the latest breaking news. Terrestrial land form eventually evolves from an aquatic environment after solidification. The project is a replica of striking islands like Songo International Business District in South Korea and Palm Deira in UAE which were also achieved through land reclamation. It is a regular progress or change by plant and animal due to natural or anthropogenic disturbances. Similarly, reckless and indiscriminate hunting in opened forest reduces population and thus reduces species diversity, which may lead to extinction of some species. The most dominant species found was white mangroves (Laguncularia racemosa) (108) followed by red mangroves (Rhizophora racemosa) (104), black mangroves (Avicennia germinans) (77) and nipa palm (Nypa fruticans) (17). Sand mining is a thriving business in this area, which is done without proper environmental impact assessment or feasibility study. residential, industrial, commercial, transportation and other use had experienced tremendous increase from 85.4 square kilometres (43.36per cent) to 111.9 square kilometres (56.8per cent). This means that those living on the old waterfront now have a large expanse of land bordering their respective locations. Some of the biggest cities in Nigeria are looked at below. Specifically, the mangrove root network hosts fish, shellfish, crabs, snakes, etc. Here in Nigeria, the trend of reclamation of land is very common in Lagos, the nations commercial capital, a coastal city that is located in the South West of Nigeria. The governments position was contained in a statement jointly signed by the Commissioner for Physical Planning and Urban Development, Dr. Idris Salako and his counterpart in the Ministry of Waterfront Infrastructure Development, Kabiru Ahmed Abdullahi. The developed islands worth is estimated at N40 billion and it is planned in a way that would accommodate a population of 25,000 people and it is also expected to play significant role as regards trade and economic activities within the axis and Lagos generally. Increasing population in small communities had also led to the reclamation of coastal areas to create room for the construction of houses to accommodate more people. This is a natural ecological restoration. In October 2021, DEC prepared, . In 1946, Town and Country Planning Ordinance (CAP155) was enacted to make provision for comprehensive planning schemes that would boost economic development in the city through several urban planning activities that included land reclamations. During clearing heavy machinery fell trees. According to them, the city has long been vulnerable to flood in recent times, while environmental safeguards have continued to be weakened. This situation had precipitated the uncontrolled reclamation of coastal lands [4]. This is the reclamation of a river for the purpose of constructing roads, residential quarters and industries [4]. This is a situation where rivers near ports are expanded to accommodate large ocean going ships. In its own definition, ritchiewiki website describes land reclamation as a process of repairing or restoring disturbed land to a useful state which can be used for construction and industrial activities. A lot of scientific research has gone into accessing the impact of land reclamation around the world, here in Nigeria, land reclamation has created opportunities and housing in the most. The provisions of the EIA Act No. In 2013, rainfed agriculture accounted for 380,000 sq km in Nigeria, covering over 40 percent of its national territory . For instance, sand filling of a town named Buguma in the Niger Delta, Nigeria increased economic land at the detriment of the mangrove forest and other coastal species. Agricultural activities such as rice paddies and aquaculture are embarked upon in swampy coastal locations [14]. Homogeneous ideals such as customs, educational goals, and occupational goals all make up segregation. The impact of land reclamation on coastal environment and marine ecology is well recognized and widely studied. Surrounding areas of the swamps are usually dredged and sand-filled to enable it to support the mounting of crude oil well head and the laying of pipelines (Figure 5). Another example is the replacement of invasive nipa palm forest with native mangrove forests. For instance, The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), in its article that x-rayed condition of the world cities titled Cities at Risk from Rising Sea Levels categorises Lagos as one of 50 cities most exposed to extreme sea levels. Some small towns, notably Minna, Uyo, Makurdi, Maiduguri, and Bauchi, experienced remarkable growth in population and economy after becoming state capitals. Sand mining activity is a lucrative business in the Niger Delta and is embarked upon by both private individuals and government officials. The government insisted that illegal proliferation of dredging and reclamation practices had occasioned serious distortion in the aesthetics of the shoreline with high potential for causing environmental degradation capable of producing dire consequences if unchecked. Lending his voice on the matter, an environmentalist, Osawe Irabors view differs from those of Nwilo, Faniran and Afegbua. More than a thousand acres of land was to be created by building a seawall more than 6km in length with. Economic land on the other hand, is part of physical land that can be used to produce economic commodities for mans satisfaction [2]. It occurs at on-shore or off-shore locations [3]. The direct causes include: (i) land expansion, (ii) construction activities, (iii) land acquisition and (iv) succession (land-forming activities of mangroves). This includes zooplankton, phytoplankton, benthic organisms and fisheries. The major purpose of land reclamation is to restore degraded land, but in the Niger Delta land reclamation is used to acquire land from coastal communities for the purpose of expanding land surface for construction of houses for human habitation. Located in the west-central part of Nigeria, Minna is a quiet and beautiful city in Nigeria. Our fishing nets and traps have been damaged by the mud. Oil and gas exploration is the main exploratory activity that occurs in the Niger Delta region. Accumulation of dredged spoil converts the swamp to terrestrial area and also changes the physico-chemistry of the coasts [3]. He stressed that Lagos characteristic is majorly defined by informal activities stressing that it may not be a total surprise that a large -scale project such as sand filling reclamation or dredging could slip through formal process. Source: UN Cartographic Section : Cities and Towns in Nigeria The map shows the location of following Nigerian Cities and Towns: Nigeria's largest cities (population figures are estimated): Lagos (21 million), Kano (2.5 - 3 million), Ibadan (3.2 million), Abuja Other Cities and Towns in Nigeria: Speaking during an interview with Punch, the state Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Kehinde Bamigbetan said that the Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA report on the project had taken care of future negative impact on the environment, adding that the Lagos state government, as a responsible government, carried out comprehensive EIA before embarking on massive land reclamation going on in the coastal areas of the state. Two major activities that devastate coastal areas are sand mining and off-shore dredging. The way the practice is being done in Nigeria encourages subsidence along the coast. For instance, The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), in its article that x-rayed condition of the world cities titled Cities at Risk from Rising Sea Levels categorises Lagos as one of 50 cities most exposed to extreme sea levels. Centralization: these are lands that are regarded as focal points as a result of their economic value. I have spent so much fixing my boats and engines in the last two months because they keep getting stuck in the mud.. An example is the establishment of the liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant in Bonny Island in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. To date our community has made over 100 million downloads. Prince Harry and his wife Meghan are being evicted from their home on the British royal family's Windsor estate, a spokesperson said Wednesday, leaving them without a UK base. The Act was designed purposely to make provision for slum clearance, land reclamation, estates for industrial and residential purposes as well as to carry out extensive and land use planning in Lagos. Before reclamation the site is cleared, which leads to the destruction of native plant species within the reclaimed area [3]. Coastal area is in serious danger from land reclamation in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Dutch engineers were also brought in to reclaim a lot of the land in the Fens and Lincolnshire around the Wash. Land reclamation is also known as land fill, it is the process of creating new land from ocean, riverbeds or lake beds. These areas are naturally covered with water during high tides, but are filled with soil and consolidated to prevent tidal flooding during high tide. This is because their adventitious root system traps sediments during tidal flow, and accumulate it over a long period of time. It is the returning of lands to an improved state. 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Aeta Tribe Foundation, Articles T