Best translated a blondie. Equivalent of let the cat out of the bag. It is sweetened whole milk, which is evaportaed, leaving behind the sugary curds. 2. noun Colloquial term for large amount of pubic hair, i.e. Bichote. Choncho 1. adj Thick, or filled to bursting. Dinero mata carita expression The proposal that in the eyes of women, money and wealth are more important that good looks in a man. Al Chilazo adj Something performed in an uncaring, or slap-dash manner. El wey es un patn. (The guys an asshole). Dang! Often used in terms of business sense. 1. adj Very difficult or testing.. 2. noun Used to describe a person, and meaning depends entirely on the context.a) A bad person, or idiot. e.g. The term, meaning wet, stems from the way in which migrants would traditionally cross into the U.S. over the Rio Grande (River Grande) which marks the border between Texas and Mexico. Chale exp An expression of disappointment or frustration. Comes from the phrase Para quien es perico, donde queda es verde. Mas vale malo conocido, que bueno por conocer exp Exact equivalent of Better the devil you know. Dar Culo verb Of something to make a person nervous or scared. Mira ese guey con la luz verde, que no se mueve. Hacerle la jarocha verb To tell someone off, or to give someone a bollocking in the British idiom. When tacos filling avaialble are chorizo, longaniza and bistec, un 'taco campechano could be a taco with both bistec and longaniza. tirar a la portera. Tirar Rostro verb To show off ones good looks, often in a coquettish way. Cargar la Cruz verb To be hungover. The abbreviated nickname of Graciela, is Chela, which therefore applies also to the slang for beer. The full phrase sometimes used by Spanish speakers is me piro vampiro. Amarrar Navajas verh To instigate or encourage conflict in which one will not be involved. Cantina noun A traditional, or old-fashioned, Mexican bar or drinking hole. Also happysn. Pues yo como de chile, mole y pozole. Junior noun The privileged children, or second generation, of parents who have generated a great deal of wealth usually from more humble beginnings. Guayabo, estar en el expression Of an enamoured individual, to be in the honeymoon or crazy love period of a romantic relationship, oftne used in connection with regular sexual activity. Paladar de Cartn noun Descriptive of a person with poor taste in food. La Paleta noun The effects on an individual of consuming too much marijuana. Lencha noun Despective and offensive word for lesbian. Ese profesion es mi gallo (This is the profession I want to be in). Chavindeca noun A dish native to the tierra caliente reigon of Michoacan State, consisting meat and cheese sandwiched between two large grilled corn tortillas,. Groseria noun. i.e. yo te ficho los tragos (Ill pay for your drinks). Cotorro noun Descriptive of a happy, relaxed or easy-going individual. Botana noun A snack, or starter course. Lingoda's expert teachers know all the latest slang and can help you with your Spanish conversation skills. Lucha Libre noun Mexican show-wrestling, similar to WWE-style shows in the USA. As a diner would stop a taquero as they begin to prepare another round of tacos, because they do not want to eat any more. Escuincle noun A child, or little one. Enchilar verb To annoy or anger someone. exclam Expression used to indicate irritation or annoyance at another person. Searching for Mexican slang in Facebook A Software System for automatic extraction of comments obtained from Facebook was developed in order to identify common expressions used in the Mexican slang. Madral noun A large, or significant amount. Polcan noun A dish from the Yucatan, consisting of a fried corn dough ball, with is opened and filled with one of a variety of stuffings. La neta es que me cagas (The truth be told, you are very irritating). Chelada noun Synonym of Michelada. Ojo Rojo noun The Yucatan regional term for Clamato Preparado. Sobres exclam Expressing the affirmative. Juareo noun A despective term for a native of Ciudad Juarez. The oxford dictionary of slang. (X in this case being the lauded subject of the chant). adj Anything hailing from the north of the country, the north being generally considered anything north Zacatecas. Do you want to come?). 3. Rebozo noun A traditional scarf worn by women. En Chinga: adj Hurried, or under pressure. Vaso Michelado A frosted glass with condiments prepared to be mixed with beer. noun A problem or issue, often one without a quick or easy solution. Greedy, or someone who cant get their fill. Recio adj Powerful or strong in somethings makeup. 2. Cheve noun A Norteo equivalent of Chela. A term for a person of inferior intellect. Mestizo noun An individual of both European and Indigenous genetic heritage. A mocking bastardisation of chofer . Para quien es pendejo, donde queda, pierde. (For he who is smart, wherever he lands, its green. This is the pronunciation guide from my "Mexican Slang 101" books, nice and brief. i.e. e.g. Literally to skate. Parar los tacos expression To stop someones train of thought, in an effort to indicate that they are getting the wrong idea. bag of bones Noun. Golfato noun A persons sharpened sense for easy women. This can mean really amazing or really awful, depending on how you use it - think something like 'sick' in English. Also Zape. e.g. Nos echamos la hueva (Lets chill out). C. Cabal - exclam South Mexican and Guatemalan exclamation in the affirmative, as in "exactly!".Equivalent to Ahuevo elsewhere in the country.. Caballito - noun A shot glass.. Cabrn - . Ojete noun Asshole, given that the technical meaning of the word is a circular perforation or opening. Literally to be in the guava orchard. Simn exclam Affirmation meaning yes. exclam Expressing frustration or annoyance. Chinga tu Madre! Paloma noun A mixed drink containing Tequila, lime juice and grapefruit soda (Squirt or Fresca). 3 Bs expression The three Bs of making any successful purchase are that it be bueno, bonito, y barato good, handsome, and cheap. A pain in the ass. Centro Botanero noun A tradtional style of service in a Mexican cantina, in which small snacks, called botana, are brought, free of charge to accompany ones round of drinks. e.g. Monda noun Penis. expression To reveal a truth which will cause problems. an armadillo has a caparazn, an oyster does not. Tuna noun The fruit of the Nopal plant. This comes from the time when households would toss their dirty water out; before doing so, they would yell "aguas," to those nearby to warn them. i.e. Not applicable in the context of tipping a waiter. e.g. Changarro noun An informal street-level vendor or commercial stand. e.g. e.g. Bolillo noun A bread roll, or individual sized piece of bread. I ate too much chilli.). Often in celebration or passion. This is not a common term, as it comes more from Central America, but it is widely understood throughout the country. Jalada noun Male masturbation. e.g. Comes from the fact that anglophones pronounce their ethnicity as Meksicanos, therefore Ksicanos = Chicanos. Curado de Bigote noun The dregs of a barrel of alcoholic drink. The domiciles are usually slum-like, and paracaidistas often arrive in force, and are later very difficult to remove. Dictionary of Spanish Slang and Colloquial Expressions.pdf - Free ebook download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read book online for free. Ranero noun A Californian chicano word for a member of the Mexican migrant community in the United States most often an undocumented migrant. Ni pies ni cabeza, no encontrar expression Descriptive of something which makes no sense, or has no point to it. Hopefully, by this point you aren't thinking, "A m, pln" to these Puerto Rican Slang expressions. Sudaca noun Despective term for a native of the South American continent. Literally I cant find the head nor the feet. e.g. Soltar el borrego Literally to release the sheep. Aguitado adj A sad or pensative mood. e.g. Te lleva mi carnal, el es de buena onda (my friend will take you, hes a good guy). is correct, while Quin pomp las chelas is not. Check ouot Mexico Relocation Guide, shot down a federal governments helicopter, Thinking of moving to Mexico? Tostn noun The monetary amount of fifty pesos. e.g. Pachanga noun A raucous or boisterous party. 9. As in, something which one might not want to do. Take the money, or get shot. Meterse hasta la cocina expression Descriptive of someone or something which is very invasive or imprudent. La Cal que pela expression Descriptive of a person who appears to be very innocent, but is in fact very abrasive or problematic. Literally we have to plough with these oxen. b) The best, or very successful, person. Caminera noun A drink, usually a beer, taken to be consumed on the way to the next destination. Comes from the English term crack-shot. The expression comes from the Mexican-American war (1846-1848) in which the U.S. Army infantry uniforms were coloured green, giving rise to the pidgin English saying among the Mexican population Green Go Home, which was shorted to Gringo. Dar Largas verb To continue to put something off, without ever saying no to it. Literally to eat clown. Mande exclam Signifying that what was just said has not been fully heard, or understood. No mames exclam You cant be serious, or What the fuck?. Fregon(a) adj Excellent, or of top quality. In this paper the creation of two important relevant resources for the double entendre and humour recognition problem in Mexican Spanish is described: a morphological dictionary and a. Best translated as Ah Fuck! e.g. to take away the ball. Fresa adj Posh, spoiled, with aspirations to, or pertaining to the higher end of society. Gorgojo noun A insect pest which damages corn and bean crops. The puta doctor kept my packet and said I . See this report for more information on Escamoles. e.g. Continue Reading Download. No mames (literally means 'don't suck it') is one of the most ubiquitous Mexican swearwords. 11. Tiene buen rollo, el guey. (The guy tells a good story). Vale Verga exclam Its worthless. Vato noun Informal word for a man. Aventado noun An individual who acts without thinking. They are known as extremely brutal gangsters, and responsible for a severe escalation in the form gang violence has taken in Mexico. noun The social media messaging platform WhatsApp. Atole noun A traditional drink made from corn, in which the starch from the grains forms the base of the beverage. Queena noun A Queen card in a deck of cards. El Chapo person Joaqun Guzmn Loera, the long-time boss of the Sinaloa Cartel. - "Do it right away". Equivalent: Godammit!, or Bollocks!. Al tiro - It is a short expression used to say "right away". Nunca digas de agua agua no haz de beber expression Equivalent of Never Say Never. Equivalent of I beg you pardon?. Hecho la Chingada expression Moving at a very fast pace. The lime is more valuable than the sand, and therefore by trading one for the other, he who receives the sand ends up worse-off. Piscar verb In northwestern Mexican indigenous communities (among whom are the Raramuri) To consume the Peyote cactus (containing mescaline) in ritual ceremony. No tener madre adj Descriptive of something or something to be particularly malicious or bad. Me la compre en cien varos. Mordida noun A bribe. A debate rages in Mexico over whether its possible to prepare a Quesadilla without cheese. 9. Fichn noun An excellent move, or placement of a tile, in the game dominos. Halconear verb To spy or follow someone in a clandestine way. ero noun A mate, or friend. Either in the physical sense, or in competition. Villameln noun An individual who feigns to have an interest in a certain cultural activity, but is in fact ignorant of its finer points and is often merely doing so out of affectation. a) A bad person, or idiot. de plano no apareci (He just straight-up didnt show). Hes not paying attention.). Exact translation is Spit it out Lupe. 2. Also Ponerse las vergas. Andarse Comiendo verb To be having regular, casual sex with an individual. noun A task which is boring, tiresome or unenjoyable. Ponchar adj To roll a joint, or skin up. Para el refresco, means give me a tip. All esta la papa expression Signifying the weakest link in any system. People who grow up in a Mexican culture within the United States. Verle la cara verb To trick or con a person, most often connected with money. (Their excuse makes no sense whatsoever). Pasar de lanza verb To trick or con someone. Cacharpo noun The bus drivers assistant, or conductor on public transport. The meaning of SPIC is used as an insulting and contemptuous term for a Spanish-American person. Albur noun Wordplay in which a sentence is constructed to sound like a more offensive grouping of words. 1. noun Offensive term used to denigrate the target. Hijole exclam A polite saying expressing surprise or confusion. ( Would anyone like to try my ceviche? Perchern noun A jumbo-sized caballito. This eBook contains 45 pages and 1000+ words and phrases in Spanish, with English translations of course. noun A posh person, or individual from a privileged social class. Everybody understands it in Mxico. A task which takes a great deal of effort, Chingarse algo verb To steal, shoplift or nick something. Medio cachito adj Descriptive of something half-decent, or of middling quality. Traeme la feria (Bring me the money). Ningn chile te embona expression Meaning theres no pleasing you. Chingatelo/la: imperative 1. Cabal exclam South Mexican and Guatemalan exclamation in the affirmative, as in exactly!. To try ones best. Example sentences from real language to show how the word is used. Descriptive of a person who appears to be very powerful, rich or elegant; but in reality does not have the resources to back it up, or is hollow. e.g. The most stereotypical Mexican expression. Tener la Estafeta expression To be in charge, literally to be holding the baton. exclam Expression of surprise regional to the Yucatan Peninsuka. Cuira expression Hello in the Raramuri, or Tarahumara language of Chihuahua state. Quin Pomp? e.g. e.g. e.g Su nuevo reloj es patito (His watch is an imitation). Literally the clown took him away. Hola gallo, como estas (Hello mate, how are you?). Literally, the water doesnt reach the cistern. noun Chicano word for organised crime gangs in the U.S. of non-hispanic heritage. Literally Its not every day that a donkey dies, given that the work animals are seen as having longevity. Me mama, Te mama, Le mama, Nos mama, etc. Tapete noun A placemat at a dining table. e.g. Here is your quick guide to Dominican Spanish and Slang The Dominican Republic, or Repblica Dominicana, is a remarkably beautiful country. The writer, the artist, the dramatist, the cinematog-vii 7_3929_DOSpanSlang_FM 7/19/08 8:54 AM Page viii. When a Dominican is seeing someone, but they're not officially boyfriend and girlfriend, this is the term used. Man up!). Cejas Tepiteas noun False painted-on eyebrows, usually in a very garish style. A journalist who accepts such money is known as a chayotero. Zarandeado noun A food preparation style, in which a fish is basted in a blend/rub of spices, and then grilled over charcoal. e.g. Me la como. (The traffic light is red, but theres no one coming. e.g. Gato Apalabrado noun A suck-up or brown-nose. Get a move on!, or Hurry Up!. Nic Chac noun A Yucatan equivalent of escamol, but with wasp larvae rather than ants. Also Frenar los tacos. Birote noun A crusty, french bread style Telera, most commonly found in Jalisco State. Taquiza noun A social event at which tacos are served. Coyotito noun A nap. A huevo! Any other rules will be found in your grammar sheets. Heard pronounced as baggin. Chiquilique noun A sea creature known in English as a Pacific Mole Crab. An abbreviation of the phrase Verle la cara de pendejo". Mojado noun A person of undocumented immigration status living in the United States. So-called because they have run away from Mexico. Viste el gol de Ronaldo? Cana al aire noun A non-committal sexual fling. In Mexican culture, corn is the most delicious and commonly eaten carbohydrate, and maiz prieto means dark-coloured corn. No soy monedita de oro expression Im not here to please everybody. Aplicar una llave verb A lucha libre wrestling term for putting an opponent - or anyone else for that matter - in a head-lock. venezuela, venezuelan, slang, venezolano, eslang, jerga, idioma, espaol, Thinking of Moving to Mexico? Literally to cost a testicle. An individual who one cannot take seriously. Nel exclam Exclamation in the negative, i.e. Tecnico noun A nominal goodie, or good guy, in a lucha libre wrestling show. e.g. Poca madre (Really cool) 4. A clown. Malaguea, a la expression Something which is done in a deceptive, or cheating, manner. A m, pln is a slightly vulgar way to say "I don't care" or "no me importa". noun The act of relaxation, or doing nothing and taking it easy. Panga noun A small fishing boat. : exclam Common insult which is relatively self explanatory. Poca-madre adj Depending entirely on context it can mean: 1. Excellent. 9. Fijado adj Descriptive of a person who is easily offended, or takes everything very personally. The slang insult gey, for "idiot" or "stupid person" emerges from the "cuckold" sense of buey. e.g. Also Jalada. (also used in Spain) 36. Pipope noun Pejorative abbreviation for a native of Puebla State: Pinche Poblano Pendejo (Fucking Idiot from Puebla). Aguas! Palo noun An event of sexual intercourse. The stringy form of cheese similar to mozzarella. Dar la Garra verb To give something ones all. Stemming from the days in which a taxi meter was similar in appearance to a roulette wheel. No investigator of Mexican slang can avoid the rich reference provided in Picarda Mexicana viii 7_3929_DOSpanSlang_FM 7/19/08 8:54 AM Page ix PREFACE by A. Jimenez (Editores Mexicanos Unidos), Bernard H. Hamel's Bilingual Dictionary of Mexican Spanish(Bilingual Book Press, 1996),andThe Dictionary of Chicano Spanish by Roberto A. Galvn and . See below for the ever expanding list. Literally, to have a long canine tooth, referring to predatory animals who, when they have survived for a long time in the wild, have very long and sharp teeth, and are expert in the hunting of their prey. 10. The oxford dictionary of slang. Furthermore, a semantic dictionary was generated as complement to the morphological dictionary. or How are you doing? Learn the . e.g. 2. adj Descriptive of something which is very good or impressive. Te gusta el chile verdad?. Vali (Madre) exclam Descriptive of a thing which is finished, or broken. que buena peda anoche (What a good party that was last night), A state of complete inebriation. Fresa (slang), slang, socially used in Mexico and some parts of Latin America to describe a cultural stereotype of superficial youngsters Armando Fresa, (1893 - 1957), Italian politician and Civil Engineer Officer; See also. A snack or food taken between meals. Esta bien bueno. Date. Que La exclam Used to espress ridicule at an individuals sensitivity, perniciousness or pedantry. Que hueva ir a trabajar (What a pain to have to go to work). A la Viva Mexico, Hacer verb To do something a la Viva Mexico is to do it in an improvised, carefree, without permission or illegal manner. Up yours. A verb originating from the nahuatl native language meaning to embrace with the soul. Bara Bara! Chamba mata grilla expression The proposal that it is more important to work hard than to complain and fight. Bochinchear verb To make a ruckus, or commotion, often in the context of the consumption of alcohol. e.g. Also hails from nautical heritage. What an amazing player he is). It is the traditional bread used in the torta ahogada. A Toda Madre exclam Expression meaning excellent. Mandar por un Tubo verb The act of telling an individual to go away. Commonly found as a suffix in place names. politics, socially, etc. Lucas Heitor. Literally a cardboard palate. Traer Pual verb To have very convincing points of argument, which can change another persons mind or opinion. It can also be used to call someone a "bro", or, in general, refer to a guy. A jartera is, basically, a big meal.The word comes from harto, which generally means "tired", but sometimes it's used as "satisfied" or "satiated."If you say Qu jartera!, that means that you're extremely full.Good for you! ', indicating one is at the service of another. Verde a common sauce with a tomatillo (green tomato) base. bag off Verb. e.g. I have a lot of work.. noun A novice, or person without adequate experience. It is a free PDF file with 75 expressions. : exclam Fuck it! Tasojkamatik expression Thank You in the Nahuatl language. A los taxistas, este gasolinazo nos esta dando en la torre (This gas-price hike is badly affecting us taxi drivers.). Rollo, tener buen expression Of an individual, to be an engaging conversationalist. Check out Mexico Relocation Guide. Jevo is kind of like an affectionate way to say "f riends with benefits . Mi vieja (My wife). Often heard at football games when the goalkeeper takes his goalkick. It is also used as an intensifier (e.g., I have to go to the puta (fuckin') DMV).. @juuulian9 @kayleeshoe23 I went to get my physical today. Pepenar verb To search through a large array of things for something specific. Has different forms across the country, but is most commonly in a salt-rimmed glass with lime juice. Te crees muy muy (You think you're something special) e.g. Un chingo: A lot, many or much, can be used with both countable and uncountable nouns. Achichincle noun A subordinate, or employee. Para que persinarse expression Said to accompany a gift or payment, usually of money, to the recipient, signifying that they might make the religious sign of the cross. Tengo palanca (Ive got a guy). Se lo ech al plato (She fucked him). Zacate noun A provincial and agricultural term for weeds, or unwanted plant growth on a field. Also el del estribo. Literally a dogs paw. to shoot at the goal. Equivlanet of asshole or prick. A common term, between friends, to refer to one another. This comes from the phrase tener el colmillo largo. Ponerse trucha verb To change ones attitude to be more proactive. Bocanada noun A strong hit from a smokeable material, e.g. Equivalent of snowflake, or keyboard warrior. Pararse el culo expression To act in a pretentious of superior manner. This common word comes from the Raramuri language, in which Guaru means big. Taquear verb 1. Commonly eaten along the countrys southern Pacific Coast. Me da culo ir a Acapulco (Im scared of going to Acapulco). Colmilludo noun A person with a great deal of experience, or wisdom. It also allows multiple sorting criteria! Lagunero noun A native of the city of Torren, Coahuila. The vast majority wear masks, the removal of which is seen as a great dishonour to their characters, who inspire great devotion and adulation in Mexican culture. Ballena Literal Meaning: whale Meaning: liter bottle of beer Vamos a comprar una ballena y jugar domin. Partir la madre verb To beat the shit out of someone. A drinking session. Chicano A Mexican-American. check out this too-lucky sex maniac and get a slang dictionary like, need I say, my own "Mexican Slang 101". Salvar el pellejo verb To help someone out of a difficult situation. It's sort of fuck your mother, but means 'go fuck yourself'. The tightly curled hair genetically typical of black people. Not, as one journalist at the Daily Mirror once translated it: Asta La Vista. Flauta noun A deep-fried rolled-up taco, so called because it looks like a flute. e.g. Corazn de Pollo adj Descriptive of a person who is easily moved to tears, or is very affected by the suffering of others. 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