Nothing is too good or too much for their partner. Your romantic partners ideas stimulate you to experiment with innovative ideas of your own. Mercury Sextile Uranus Sextile of Mercury The transit of Uranus provides fascinating news and lively debate. The positive aspects of Mercury sextile Uranus synastry are that the couple will be able to understand each other very well, communicate effectively, and come up with new and innovative ideas together. Venus-Uranus in Synastry. Synastry:Mercury-UranusAspects Moon in the 8th overlay: This one is more for romantic synastry, but this could be good in other types of relationships as well. In my opinion with generational planets in the first house, certain traits they have should be taken with a grain of salt. I also daydream about becoming well-known for whatever field I decide to go into. This aspect is the epitome of the sayinglay all your cards on the table. Therefore, its important to be aware of this possibility and not take everything at face value. However, you also need to be aware that this energy can lead to restlessness and impatience if not channeled constructively. People with a prominent Asteroid Casanova tend to be players and flirt a lot. If both partners are rather detached (strong Air signature/ Uranian) by nature then this may be bearable but for the majority of people this aspect creates extremes between emotional closeness and distance and can be very . Scorpio moons have the bedroom eyes. They like to make each other laugh and be best friends. They struggle with being their own worst enemy. The Venus Trine Uranus synastry aspect is often found in the charts of celebrities. Theyre my second fav sign, but when theyre bad, THEYRE BAD. Sun Square Moon individuals tend to struggle with mental health issues, some celebrity examples: Kanye West, Heath Ledger, Selena Gomez, Jodie Foster, and so on. This however can be their downfall in love, unevolved Cancer Venuses in love can become emotionally attached too quickly and are too emotional in relationships. Synastry:MoonNeptuneAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They learn a lot from each other, and their different approaches to communication can help the other person see a different perspective. They see sex as spiritually binding, and they have a desire to fully merge with their partner. In synastry, it can bring an exciting, yet chaotic energy to the relationship, and encourages both partners to embrace their uniqueness and individuality. Unevolved degrees can also be controlling in love. They also struggle with authority and are stuck between wanting to progress in life versus dwelling on the past. I tend to draw a lot of attention to myself, and usually working out helps me over my anger. Gemini Mars are scary because theyre just straight up unpredictable. They use this inner balance to act with moderation, and they are secure in the decisions they make. Prominent Asteroid Gabriella #355: This relationship helps both people become stronger. You may find yourselves engaged in all kinds of new and exciting activities together. This is because when Mercury and Venus are in trine, communication goes smoothly and both people feel considered. Its weird how certain aspects play out. Ambitions:Individuals with Taurus degrees in their Mars want to be the best. Theyre ruthless, whether its for a good cause or a bad cause. If you have 15 or more points then you likely have a soulmate or karmic relationship. Every time we talk I just want to grab her and kiss her. Please note that each of these aspects alone will not determine whether you or someone else has a karmic relationship. a cruise, a restaurant on the water. Some might consider it not good, and if youre looking for a quick fling, be cautious with this aspect. Cap risings have big or unique teeth. Sun Trine Uranus: These two accept each others weirdness and bond over unconventional things. Everyone thinks air Mars are just chill and avoid conflict. Maybe its because Im an Aries moon, but for the life of me I cannot get along with Cancer moons. Def the types who have a sex playlist. For example, if your South Node is in your 7th house, it means you concentrated a lot on the needs of others in the past, and in this life, you are called on to embrace independence and individuality. Think of Billie Eilish, theres a mystery to them. They also might enjoy using theirstrength during sex by play wrestling or pinning each other down; basically fighting for d*minance. Uranus Sextile Mercury Uranus is in a sextile to Pluto. Overall, just very sensual sex, and theyre def into enemies to lovers type of shit. Side note- I could see these people utilizing music on dates i.e. They tell each other all their secrets. They also might be into BDSM; they enjoy being ab*sed during sex. I could also see them having a breeding kink as well since this degree deals with pregnancy. Ive noticed sapphic women tend to have Venus-Uranus, Mars-Uranus Mars-Neptune, and/or Venus-Neptune placements. Synastry:Mercury-VenusAspects Synastry:SunPartofFortuneAspects I feel like I vibe very easily with water and earth sun signs, but I tend to grow the closest with air and fire signs. Hope you guys enjoy this post! It can also be helpful for those who have difficulty communicating their thoughts or who feel like theyre always going against the grain. I could also see them perhaps opening their own business too, i.e. Some notable celebrities with Gemini degrees include: Rick Riordans sun at 15, Oscar Wildes Mars at 3, Mark Twains moon at15. I remember I was in an ab*sive relationship, and after I left my face looked quite different and I changed my appearance a lot. Moon: Your degree here shows how you deal with your emotions and which area of your life emphasizes them. Scorpio degrees need to learn how to be vulnerable. Also in synastry too, dont pay too much attention tothings like Pluto conjunct Pluto, Aquarius aspecting Pluto, etc. But, I do think an abundance of soulmate aspects in the synastry chart is significant and should be taken seriously. Obviously, not everyone with this placement is gonna be brooding or have an intensity to them. This degree also deals with death, so I could potentially see some morticians with this placement. It can lead to obsession, stalking, and/or extreme attachment to each other. Its also a good time to re-evaluate your communication style and make sure youre expressing yourself clearly. Id say the downside of Leo degrees is that they always want to call the shots and dont want to compromise. Its no joke. I could also see them quite literally using s*x to get ahead. they maybe boisterous and wild with friends but are calm and soft with their partner. Communication figures strongly into your relationship. According to Martin Schulman, the mental exchange that occurs when Mercury forms a synastry aspect to Uranus is energising, electrifying, and full of life. surprise dates. Ambitions: Individuals with Pisces degrees in their Mars are definitely mysterious and creative. Theres this dark intensity to them, its kind of like a Lilith/Pluto energy, but less intense. Mars is attracted by the task of winning the attention of an unusual Uranus partner. Asteroid DNA #55555 positive aspects/conjunctions: This is more so for family, but you could also look at this in other types of synastry to see what you have in common with that person. Pisces placements (big three) are very intriguing, at least in my opinion. Synastry:Venus-SaturnAspectsBetweenTwoCharts Moon square Venus isnt as bad as Mars square Pluto). Venus. However, an evolved Leo degree is a creative and fun lover, who is bold in how they love you. Synastry:Mercury-NeptuneAspects This would definitely also be a placement that considers a job in the criminal justice field, as they want to help people, especially those who get hurt and struggle. They also want someone whos intelligent and will be able to have deep, philosophical conversations with them. People with Scorpio degrees in their Mars likely harbor a lot of secrets, and not just their own. Theyre more into mental stimuli than visual stimuli. However, thats just my opinion. It provides a stimulating and inspiring environment for collaboration. Synastry:MoonUranusAspects Synastry:SunJupiterAspects Synastry:SunVenusAspectsBetweenTwoCharts They do however have a lot of drive, and are extremely motivated. Capricorn degrees literally mean ambition. There can be a lot of fights, and this is labeled as one of the worst synastry aspects. My friend is an Aries sun and hes extremely calm and never blows up on people. Uranus on another persons South Node indicates the couple feel very familiar with each other, as they have met in a past life. Ive found this to be true with other Sagittarius placements. Id be careful with this again. I think its because some Cancers have Gemini placements, and that can make them more outgoing, as well as potential fire/air placements in the big three. Because of this, I think this also is an anxiety placement since theres so much overthinking and not being able to move on from past events. Theyre sometimes considered as one, other times theyre more of a medium aspect. Both of your minds seem to be wired to approach problems and to handle mental tasks in similar ways. I would bet my left leg theyve all had an emo phase at some point in their lives. Synastry:MoonNorthNodeAspects After I hang out with them for a long period of time, my jaw hurts from talking too much and Im mentally exhausted from pondering the ins and outs of life. Also someone on the slimmer side as well. Theyre seen as unique and are graceful in their self-expression. Neptune/Chiron aspects: Couples with this synastry aspect feel "unconditional love" for one another when it's harmonious. Synastry:SunMoonAspectsBetweenTwoCharts When Neptune wants to be dreamy and spiritual with the Uranus person, Uranus might want to rebel, which may make the Neptune person feel they cannot rely on the Uranus person. Typical fairytale romance. It all depends on how the planets are configured and what else is going on in the chart. This connection is fated. They also might meet people online, i.e. When two people have strong Uranian aspects in their synastry chart, they can either be drawn to each other like magnets or they can barely stand each other. This connection can manifest in many ways, but is often characterized by creativity, innovation, and a mutual respect for each others intellect. There are high libidos here and alot of passion. Theyre direct and they can make decisions easily. Like when they tell you youre gonna be okay, youre gonna believe it. Synastry:VenuswithAscendantAspectsBetweenTwoCharts He is an Aqua. They also like to control, so they might like to boss their partner around or they might like being controlled. Ambitions:Individuals with Sagittarius degrees in their Mars likely enjoy learning, and are very philosophical. This also indicates communication issues and couple tends to not address problems as much as they should. Also for aspecting personal planets and angles, Ive noticed there usually are 3+ aspects, but this isnt always the case. Also more extremely, I could see them being into er*tic electrost*mulation. Anyway yeah, 90% of my crushes have been Aquariuses and Capricorns. Ive noticed that those with Aquarius, Aries, and Sagittarius placements in their big 6 tend to have more radical and unconventional views about politics than others in their time. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. North node : Their relationship, whether difficult or easy, drives each other ahead in growth. They also like to be romanced before having sex, they want to be wined and dined. This is fun and exciting when the decisions are relatively harmless (for example, suddenly deciding to go to the beach), but care, of course, is needed before making more important decisions. Aquarius degrees in love are unique and filled with surprises. Drunken Astrology Rants/Opinions with Xenia, Moon signs as Red (Taylors Version) Lyrics. If someones Uranus is on your North Node, the Uranus person might inspire you to radically change your appearance and embrace what makes you unique. Yet a synastry opposition involving the Moon feels especially personal, and is pretty tough to brush under the carpet. They also might be very passionate about sports, some of these people aredefinitely the overachievers in gym class LMAO and mightve played sports in school. So for me, my Saturn is in the 25 and falls in the 6th house at 18. Individuals with these degrees on their Mars are likely to pursue a career in law or criminal justice, such as being a lawyer, a victim advocate, etc. They are confident in themselves and are easy-going. I had this with one of my exes, and he said he fell in love with me when he saw me (Im the Ascendant person, hes the Venus person). This aspect indicates a past life connection that was rather unstable or unpredictable. A lot of Ceres aspects (3 or more) can make someone very curvy/thick. veterinarian, zoologist, etc. LMAO. For the houses that dont have any planets like for me houses 9-12 and the 5thyou can just view the degrees of those houses and look at how those degrees relate to each theme of your houses. Answer (1 of 5): Hi Phoebs, when interpreting syanstry planetary overlays, it is unadvised to "interpret" Uranus and the other outer planets as "personal planets" (e.g. Also, my father was apart of these transformations because he divorced my mom and this created a big transformation for me. Mars will be like a demanding child and Saturn will be the strict parent. Synastry:MoonJupiterAspectsBetweenTwoCharts So take that as you will. However, Im still sober enough to type so Im gonna just talk about my opinions and rants on astrology. They also might like to make sex apart of their daily routine and/or they might have a typical routine they like to follow when it comes to sex. The conjunction of Mercury and Uranus between charts can possess shades of both the challenging and flowing aspects mentioned above. They also might have a fantasy of having sex on top of a pile of money or having sex in a really expensive place or maybe wanting to have sex with someone very rich. Theyre a kaleidoscope. Ive noticed women with Lilith in the 11th get hit on a lot on social media. They also might be naturally athletic and might end up becoming athletes. The Uranus person may feel a pull towards the South Node person, but may also eventually feel drained, leading to a rebellion and subsequent break up. These two encourage each others strengths and uniquess, and find innovated ways to connect more deeply with each other. The Tauruses Ive hated, have had like an Aries stellium or prominent Aries placements. We were sharing thoughts starting the day we met. Ive noticed Cancer placements if sleepy and not near a bed theyll try to make their own makeshift bed, like when I was at school between classes I would line up a bunch of chairs next to each other and lay down and use my backpack as a pillow. Originality adds excitement to your relationship and you both enjoy experimenting with new ideas. In a non-romantic relationship, you guys both motivate each other to do the best you can and I think of a power couple type shit. The imagination expands and creative inspiration comes naturally. Uranus, the first ruler of the sky, according to ancient mythologies, represents rebellion, new order, a vision of tomorrow. These individuals are also likely great at manifesting, and would use manifestation to help achieve their goals. Ehhhh maybe. Having a prominent Priapus in your chart makes romantic partners want to have s*x with you right away, and this aspect typically gives a high s*x drive. 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