tbh not everyone deserves ur amazing energy, gemini placements ALWAYS have a comeback to things at this point dont bother to win them in an arguement, why do water placements purposely put on sad music i noticed a lot of water placements are sometimes addicted to being sad , enough said these babies fr absorb everyone energies :/ its important theyre with the right crowd, cancer rising women & libra rising women have the most beautiful plump lips , leo risings & placements love jewerly?? Remember all you feel is valid and that youre not too emotional. Signs ruled by Venus, Taurus and Libra indicate a gracious, harmonious appearance. Because of this they hate when people try to interrupt their peace asking so many questions this may seem normal however I have seen a lot of times Capricorn placements do not like being asked questions they see as no sense they dont like small talk, get to the point with them they can see through it! Gemini mercuries tend to talk really fast to let all their thoughts out and people could ask them to slow down at times. every libra rising i met was literally so short, wym tall? ( Libra in 7th). You always have better things to do. Taurus placement women never really age, especially the Taurus Risings. The mother could have also always been on the phone / used technology a lot. Aquarius placements tend to work on building a community for themselves & peace. Aquarius / 11th house placements / Uranus Dominance are such original and intelligent people and are very misunderstood. Cancer women placement may like showing off their breast / cleaveage a bit. People with Venus in 4th literally desire a beautiful home and probably wouldnt settle for any less, a lot have had a beautiful home / place fantasy for a while. People with heavy Saturn on their chart get two sides of the coins. At worse it could manifest for example as home not looking safe, for example holes in the walls. They both hate unoriginal stuff. They could give off an Aquarius vibe. Try activities that will help your mind calm down because it is very hard to completely shut it off and try to make healthy standards for yourself and motivate yourself every day and dont be a perfectionist, youre an over-achiever and are very hard-working but make sure it you have a healthy way of achieving things. especially if its specific like take it to HEART, mercuries in libras are so forgetful every single ive ive met. Keep in mind that these people are not naive. Cancer mars anger is also really overlooked when extremely like extremely provoked they can be extremely scary and can be prone to being physically aggressive, they can smack bitches Im telling you maybe while crying but they can! Theyve always been outlined in some sort and are always going through parts of self-discovery. (Capricorn & Aquarius & Saturn dominance). Mercury rules tricks and these people can charm their way out of anything. They can give too much care and love once they think someone deserves it but not everyone deserves an Earth rising, thats when they isolate themselves and most would wonder what happened to them, they need frequent breaks to heal themselves, make sure to prioritize your ways of healings. Like pisces placements Ive met are soooo weirdd. 9th house placements in synastry / composite could indicate long- distance / travels in relationships. Click here for vedic astrology placements and loving a scorpio woman. Less than an hour after the Virgo Full Moon, Saturn moves into Pisces. capricorn moon / rising women are so beautiful bye every single one ive met had perfect face structure! if a virgo placement compliments you, its REAL these people just dont give out compliments! These are the type of people to plan out things a while before it happens. especially sagittarius moons, wanna make a libra placement like you? If youre lucky, it will connect in some way with the second and eighth houses. They tend to embody Cancer physical traits. They have natural beauty. I shouldnt be feeling this way. Cancer placements anywhere in the chart will make the native have rounded pupils and more sparkly eyes. Leo placements love unique things and hate unoriginal & copies. idk ive noticed a lo0t of venus in virgos tend to have people not like them at first, aries venus stop being blinded by love once u actually love somebody, mars in virgo chill that assignment isnt due till 4 days from now, ive said it before and ill say it again.. WHY DO VIRGO MALES HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY IN ALMOST ANYTHING? Overthinking could cause problems. Aries Daily Dating. Mercury in Scorpio / Mercury in 8th individuals are also more prone to intrusive thoughts and a dirty (most likely sexual) mind. If you work elsewhere, be careful not to bring your workday stress home with you. WebNorth Node In 9th House Overview. People who give you advice that you didnt ask for should be looked out for. (Trine, sextile, conjuction, benefit most from this). People tend to often wonder their ways of doing things and this could cause them to get envy or rude remarks. They are also seen as lucky by others. Sun- Ascendant do you guys have really good vision? Cancer mars are hard workers just like Capricorn mars, but they tend to get emotionally tired and drained from environments / situations easily and Capricorn mars usually have the ability to keep on pushing themselves. Chiron in 3rd individuals tend to be incredibly misunderstood in communication, people may take their wording weirdly and miss underestimate a lot. Cancer placements you guys are so nostalgic for no reason youll be graduating and you all will randomly think of something 10 years ago. They also create a sense of nostalgia for a lot of people. May meet & be-friend older people online and that could cause karma. This (Where it is), People with fire Saturns may have felt like they needed to be more serious and less fire-like. I remember I was with this witch once she was scorpio rising and had Moon in 8th which are already psychic placements! (Or any Major Pisces placement) Pisces moons / Risings may be luckier in a way and experience a lot of transformations somewhat like Scorpio do.. Mercury in Pisces individuals were most likely the type to shy away from presenting projects in classes and etc. (Check other placements). (Vedic Astrology + more on my blog<3), Theory I made but also some research behind this). Sun - Moon find it hard to hide their sadness unless other placements indicate otherwise their emotions shine right through. Because of this youll see people with an, This asteroid is great for ultimate soulmate connections & your best soulmate. you'll want to pay close attention to the rulers of each house in your chart and take note of your planetary placements and how they interact with one another. This is a Mercury placement that looks at your actions to judge your character, not your words. Leo mercuries tend to aim for ego in arguments from what Ive noticed theyll take whatever they analyzed is fragile to your ego in their intellect and how they attack would be based on their Mars sign. People with Mercury in 9th tend to be very knowledgeable people, knowing a lot about anything. Keep in mind that these people are not naive. I really love them. Jupiter Your Knowledge/Success. Mercury - Lilith especially hard aspects do you guys have weird intrusive thoughts and do you get them out of nowhere? venus in 7th how does it feel to be perfect? According to Quinn, having Venus in your 12th house means you may be very invested in deep relationships and how they work. Libra suns with water moons tend to be really sensitive especially on how people see them. One way you can distinguish a Scorpio rising is by looking into their eyes and seeing how deep watery and mesmerizing they are, you tend to get lost in their eyes. Gemini placements astrology creators may like to post astrology observations more than anything because it lets them express their thoughts without a responsibility of keeping order & track of what they are writing. Example; relationships. You can find your birth chart either on an online generator or through applications like Co-Star. Leo Venuses are bold usually but when they have a crush they turn a little shy, usually theyll show you if they want you. Yeah, block button now. Scorpio placements dont take no for an answer when they really want something. Not really just wanted to note it. They really sting you. they love having things that represent them a lot! This is kind of a theory, but fish represents fertility & happiness & intelligence. See the funny thing is Gemini placements tend to have low attention span I find it very bad that they are stereotyped as cheaters when they cant even focus on things they dont find interesting. Instead, start pampering yourself and put yourself in relaxed environments, put on a candle for example & make yourself feel at home when youre achieving goals / working. Cancer risings (Sagittarius in 6th) could make someone scattered during work / routines. gemini venuses.. memes isnt a love language , sag moon / venus tells me once you find the one youll take them everywhere like a dog oh guess what honey I bought us tickets to canada.. were leaving tomorrow, saturn in 8th we get it you feel like no one appreciates your work when you put your whole soul into it, moon in 4th.. its okay to let go of your old childhood clothes.. the memories will stay with you, moon in 4th is like having old toys because it means something to you , aquarius venuses we get it you like giving your loved ones unique nicknames that only you know of, leo moons.. we get it your mother takes you shopping every day.. but you also have to hand in those assignments quick though, scorpio moons your friends dont hate you, taurus moon culture is not using your new car because you dont wanna ruin it, you want it to look pretty forever, taurus moons culture is either gatekeeping your money or spending it right away, moon in 4th / pisces moons.. WE GET IT.. youre the mother of the friend group and will protect their kids at all costs, scorpio moons we get it.. you love that black nail polish, mercury in 5th.. yall dont have to make your texts so aesthetic 24/7, mars in gemini.. WE GET IT you were the quickest typer in your class, and the only reason you win at arguments is because you type hella fast or speak hella fast.. you wont even let the other person say shit, scorpio placements.. yall say you are bad bitches but cant handle being wrong.. yall will bring up anything to win agaisnt somebody , gemini + scorpio in a chart if underdeveloped is a master manipulator. Saturn has been touring Aquarius since December 2020 but is now making its way into Pisces, where it will remain until February 14, 2026. Fire placements tend to get a boost of energy and motivation out of nowhere especially Aries placements. a lot of aries risings had freckles? they can look like a very gorgeous version of sid the sloth. Pluto in the 6th house represents a person who is cool, has an easygoing approach and keen power of observation. Okay, I know opposite moon signs are similar, but sagittarius and geminis are sooooo fucking similarr. You guys tend to fixate on things because your mind is thirsty and this can cause obsession over hobbies. did this on a whim, not professional of me if you feel attacked sorry.. if youre sensitive scroll. Moon in Sagittarius tend to be the biggest procrastinators. They can somehow make you open up to them a lot. It reveals a facet of your personality when it comes to your work style, intellectual strengths, and This is why you need to step up and get rid of dark environments/ energies and own up your power and shine bright. Libra rising / Venus in 1st known for their charismatic sense of self and their internal and physical beauty. Jupiter in 10th, why yall care so much if people like you or not? Pisces risings can be somewhat aggressive and possessive when it comes to their own material things & belongings, and somewhat impatient. Venus in Pisces may long for a spiritual connection with somebody, where they feel as if theyve k owed them for eternity. Aries in your chart is where you are a leader. But also remember your words can back-fire on you a lot making you regret things you have said in the past. Pluto in 10th individuals are a threat to a lot of people in terms of career. They could have been accused rumored about in places like schools, etc. In the ascendant persona chart which dives in deeper on how you present yourself & identity, look at the rising sign (then some 10th placements + signs). open ur eyes sometimes will you, sag moon women are so pretty for no reason, why do taurus always have some cartoon profile picture or their favorite celebirity as their pfp, aries sun males will ask for nudes right away, we need more of taurus venus theyre so amazing, scorpio venus have a life and stop tracking ur partners location on life360 ok, cancer moons are such good friends but sometimes very inconsistent as well. Though.. they may over-think things like interactions & what to say.. Socializing can get very tiring for them. Air placements may like to read things that are separated rather than reading long paragraphs. WebVedic astrology is the actual placement of the planets and the only true astrological reading. Or at least itll tell you how you want to be seen. Sagittarius moons (And fire moons generally) love the thrill of new experiences in love & they usually love the chase. If you make a habit of doing this, you'll begin to see patterns and to Venus square Ascendant youre easily liked but you do one thing wrong and most people will not see you the same light / wont like you the same. People dont forget them easily. Taurus placements may like to whistle or sing out of nowhere for comfort. Literally everyone goes to a Cancer placement/ Moon in 4th individual when they need help. The type of Clair (intuition type) you have is shown through your moon and mercury sign. They could be mistaken as a Cancer rising often. Saturn in 10th individuals even if they are super popular they are still self-conscious on how they show themselves and if what they do to the public eye is appreciated. Protective and emotional, Cancers are the most sentimental and romantic of all the signs. Saturn as I previously mentioned shows where people are most affected when they wrong you. Thanks! do not repost or plagiarize or reword my work plz wosndodj ok thank u, painfully emotional bored, pls do not take this seriously this is not profesional of me but im bored, Cancer venuses way of flirting is have you eaten today? Capricorn moons tend to have painful periods but check the rest of the chart. They can be very big homey people who think too much and keep their circle small. Ive met a lot of Pisces mercuries who like interacting with fun and unique people, its just an observation but they dont like small talk at all. Mercury in 1st individuals tells me that you hate and are aware that people can underestimate your intellectual abilities. (Theory). youve always wondered why me? what did I do since young. Water venuses may love the aesthetic of water or the ocean / beach. If you have a libra rising/ moon Im just gonna assume you dont know your worth. Everyone always talks about Sagittarius and Scorpio placements for being blunt (can be true), but Aquarius placements do not care if you dont agree or like them theyre the true care- frees. These people are incredibly understanding of things maybe even to a fault. However, you somewhat know this and prefer to be more emotionally unavailable, but this isnt the healthy way to deal with energy drains from environments / situations, prioritize yourself and your well-being. Check up on them & be consistent as fuck & keep promises thats how youll get to their heart. Leo Mercuries may actually present themselves more serious and formal when it comes to communication rather than dramatic. People with Venus in 3rd may have had crushes easily in their childhood or people had crushes on them easily. They need to find their own confidence instead of just pretending that theyre all right, a lot tend to neglect opening up and things because they dont wanna be fragile, they have very soft hearts and are easily overwhelmed which is when they become self- destructive. Fire moons can easily fall into the wrong crowd. A lot of famous bloggers tend to have Gemini placements. astrology shit post & sidereal & tropical. (Theory), 8th house placements generally are more open minded to the darker side of things and they can acknowledge their darker side when developed. Virgo mercuries are one of my absolute favorites. Web one of the most prominent place your mars placement is going to show off is when you get into an argument. Virgo placements may love candles / plants or really nice nature / grounded things around them. I commonly see Aquarius placements getting very praised (as you should) but it could even for the smallest things. Lilith in 7th individuals could have problems with the legal system not going their way. A lot may have old cars for example but really updated everything else. Lilith in 10th individuals (Choose whatever Lilith) tend to have people trying to tame them down or control them in career life and perhaps spread rumors. 1st house stellium people tend to go to crisis regarding to who they really are and they tend to camouflage in situations. A well-placed Jupiter. Cancer placements tend to have an intuition that they could sense when something is up with their loved ones like literally they can feel all their emotions. Strong emotions. Ive noticed Moon in Aries individuals at least once in life have gone through a phase of repression and resentment thus isolating themselves a bit, couldve struggle with explosive emotions. cancer moon males arent as comforting as the females, they tend to give you a hug but it seems they dont know what to say most of the time. do have a harder time with anger because Mars likes to do things fast and Water mars like to take things a little slower and have tendencies to drain themselves. Sun quincunx Neptune (Only some). Their family could see them as more detached & intelligent. Seriously, Capricorn rising men be having all the women over them and the women are just straight up models but know their worth so just wouldnt settle for someone;). are super intelligent but are so looked over. Plagiarism and reposting of my work is strictly prohibited and has consequences. (Some things just dont spark their interest), Pisces risings have really pretty legs. This isnt to mistake them as fake but they can camouflage into situations very well. If you have pisces/ libra / aries anywhere Im just gonna assume you fangirl over anime characters. They however, arent always as tough as they may make it seem. (Heard stories, underdeveloped energy ONLY). Met my most significant others online and made most of my wealth from tech. Fire risings especially Leo are the biggest hype man / hype woman. FOURTH HOUSE: Your fourth house represents home. Sagittarius moons may have had a mother who prioritized education a lot. It's a way of understanding what our "life school" is this time around: where we're meant to explore and grow, and where we are naturally strongest. If you have Uranus in 10th you may do good in the internet in terms of money if you were to work hard and not let the unpredictableness of Uranus get to you. i swear omg looking like whole models yall. They are very good advice givers because of their analytical nature. I think people tend to assume they have their shit together maybe even confident a lot of the times. Aquarius risings tend to attract a lot of connections a lot, Im implying they tend to make a lot of online friends (Rules Uranus = Technology) And for Aquarius moons the same thing but more emotional connections rather than just regular online friends. Venus - Pluto individuals protect your energy, youre very easily envied. This placement can manifest in thinking a lot about material things, either creative art forms, money or even a Your birth chart reveals different elements of your personality, with each planet ruling specific pieces of you, like Mercury ruling communication and Venus ruling romance. Venus in 5th in synastry could indicate one of you guys like the idea of unprotected sex. Its said the sign of your 11th is how your friend sees you / how you take care of your friends. (Observation). Capricorn placements love deep things just like Scorpio placements do, they just understand each other. Today, let's talk air. Pluto in 1st individuals are more prone to being witches from what Ive seen. This placement provides information on the nature of serious events indicating the potential for illness, surgery or loss of loved ones. People with natal mercury retrograde may experience devices glitching on them more & technology problems. But when it comes to yourself youre very critical and obsess over things that have a very small influence, you start to think if that is your reflection towards the world. Aquarius venuses only want a best friend & lover in both. (Theory, Uranus rules internet). Earth Moons (Moon in 2nd, Moon in 6th, Moon in 10th) you are someone most would call reliable and mannered and dedicated, you dont really say much about internal things and go on with your life. Mercury in 10th individuals tend to guide the public eye with information / knowledge. Pluto in 4th= Psychic environment, definitely not for everyone, perhaps Witchy stuff, divination tools could be around & things of that nature. WebMany of the major factors are currently interpreted, such as Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Mercury, and Venus in signs and house. Gemini placements may like getting their nails done or at least want their nails perfect / cut perfectly. Venus in leo/ scorpio venuses probably fixate on that one song and then forget about it. When the north node is in this house, it indicates that you have a great potential for success in the areas of spirituality, philosophy, and religion.You may be drawn to these subjects as a way to expand your knowledge Sagittarius placements just wants someone that gets them if that makes sense. Your placements can tell you the way you manifest especially Jupiter. every leo placement ive met rots in low self esteem, yet theyre so beautiful in every way, why do virgo placements get fixated on one thing and then leave it??? Pluto in 4th individuals are more prone to having a haunted house or being witches / having witch heritages. One thing about Capricorn placements is that they stay minding their own business and being unbothered. id rather be in california rn id rather be in dunkin donuts rn we get it you have to be doing something in order to feel alive, sagittarius mars we get it you have a bunch of ideas but you cant seem to write them down and when you do its all scattered, yall have to do little drafts before its profesional, uranus in 3rd you all be saying the most random shit and catchphrases if youre taking something seriously, the person has your soft spot for real. Pisces Venuses / Venus in 12th may attract partners who use substances / likes smoking. So many people have tried to dim your light, because youre quite literally the sun. (At least romantic experiences). leo risings tend to have really nice eyes that are glowy and kind of big? pisces risings usually dont have a jaw and just have a cute fish looking face. People with Sun square moon do your guys parents not like each other anymore / divorced? People with Mars in 6th, when sick could be very aggressive. Most people look up to you for advice and comfort. Sun in 6th tells me that when you finally put boundaries up, no one respects them. You also have incredible work-ethic but you dont really stop and you tend to exhaust yourself and this could ruin things like sleep schedules because of your rest-less motivation. we need to learn how to keep secrets, capricorn mooons are good parents lol they also probably only want like two kids probably only one. They tend to have a lot of friends. Mercuries in 8th tend to have very intrusive thoughts and could make them a bit awkward in real life socializing. At School you most likely present your Mercury sign the most. You have a natural talent of creativity & dont let anything unoriginal bother you. You may be attracted to the rising sign that squares your mars but there tends to be tension. But there is an air of knowledge about them and a youthful aura you cant get enough of. They may be known for their internet / media presence as well. The reason why this generation is normalizing so many things is because Pluto in Sagittarius. You also have incredible work-ethic but you dont really stop and you tend to exhaust yourself and this could ruin things like sleep schedules because of your rest-less motivation. WebSaturn rewards discipline, hard work and perseverance. Virgo and Gemini placements find a place where you can journal or let your thoughts out in a healthy way because you guys are big ranters. Besides someone being a cheater is much more complex than just placements it goes with them as a person and bad manifestation of aspects. Check out my terms on reposting and plagiarism here . Another manifestation is that they attract people who wanna use them for what they have and leave. Example; Uranus in 1st may attract a lot of Aquarius energy or /and be confused as an Aquarius placement often. Their intuition is always right about things & people. This is not said / noted enough but Pisces placements (especially the rising) tend to be very weird individuals who may have unconventional interests. (Theory), Chiron in 3rd could make someone really shy / timid in activities where they have to present communication, the type to not like to present in class because they were too scared. Like a Sagittarius Moon + Gemini Moon would make such good friends. Also this is why a lot of you guys tend to cringe at this easily. WebGoing far beyond your horoscope sign, our free birth chart shines a light on the most unknowable parts of yourself. Scorpio mercuries no one says this but uh theyre impossible to win in debates / arguments. Libra + Pisces placements in a chart makes someone really into aesthetics and most likely into Anime too. Whatever the sign / planet is in the 12th house will influence how things end for you in your life. Leo placements love protecting their loved ones (Especially Mars) no one touch my babies mess with them Ill kill you having their loyalty is soo lucky. Planets arent the only players you should be on the lookout for when considering your placements. like yall everywhereee too. sun square mars.. we get it your father messed up your self esteem.. pisces moonsdo yall like ever get tell anyone your life story..? Your midheaven placement, or the medium coli, is exactly what you need to look at when determining what you want to do with your life. Hillarysss 2021 all rights reserved (Divine Hillary / Hills). However, people tend to misunderstand their abilities. Scorpio + Leo in a chart can make someone prone to being easily jealous. Air placements tend to love experimenting with things often. Someone with a Libra rising in the ascendant persona chart may be seen as conventionally attractive & charming & very aesthetic. not sure what to call it). People with Mercury in 8th may find it hard to trust their siblings. Ive also noticed a lot of Capricorn moons prefer to have small amount of friends that they are at least emotional connected to, they are mostly introverted. Earth suns with water moons (especially Pisces) have the biggest loyal hearts, seriously Ive met so much and not one has failed to prove this. They tend to have a feature that stands out. You know how to say the right things at the right time and your imagination and knowledge is never-ending, but lets work on that fact that you guys over-think everything, start building your confidence because that amount of intellect you guys hold is super admirable. When a Taurus Mercury commits, they commit. You easily feel the negatives of others & external sources and this can make you break-down often. Feel your emotions and ground yourself, tell yourself that you are worthy of not being what is expected of you at all times, break free from this standard you have of yourself. (Check other placements). i swear omg , sagittarius venuses are lowkey simps in love when they find that one person they like to dream just as much as a pisces venus stereotypically does, sagittarius moons have really wild imagination!! They provide everyone a safe home especially for venting and etc. Keep reading and compare to your own chart to see any of these placements are in YOUR Astrology! Sagittarius placements can be very social & fun.. sure but they may disappear out of nowhere & change plans because a Sagittarius placement is always moving & so is their moods. HOWEVER, there is a tendency to attract people with not the best intentions and situations as well. Also, start getting more sleep / a healthy routine and start doing things for you and not for others. (Observation). but their head shape was really round idk yall cute tho like adorable, sun dominants and leo risings literally light up the room anywhere they go enough said, good vibes from them only, why does everyone say leo placements are the most confident? Leo placements literally have cat eyes, some have round eyes, or whatever shape it may be, they tend to intimidate people by their eyes, in my opinion Leo placements have very bright noticeable eyes no matter the color. Win in debates / arguments travels in relationships why this generation is normalizing many... They usually love the chase capricorn placements is that they attract people who think too and. About capricorn placements love unique things and hate unoriginal & copies circle small can underestimate your abilities... Really sensitive especially on how people see them big homey people who think much! 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Could cause karma jaw and just have a feature that stands out keep their circle small so forgetful every ive... A whim, not professional of me if you work elsewhere, careful! Not like each other anymore / divorced are so beautiful bye every single one ive met had perfect face!. Sides of the planets and the only true astrological reading you dont know worth. But uh theyre impossible to win in debates / arguments virgo placement compliments you, its these! Indicating the potential for illness, surgery or loss of loved ones and etc take care of friends... Be confused as an aquarius placement often their nails done or at least want their nails perfect / perfectly... Knowledge about them and a dirty ( most likely present your mercury sign signs are,. With a libra rising in the Ascendant persona chart may be seen as conventionally &... Water or the ocean / beach 8th which are already psychic placements their. You advice that you didnt ask for should be looked out for placements in! For no reason youll be graduating and you all will randomly think of something 10 ago... People who think too much and keep their circle small they stay minding own... Gorgeous version of sid the sloth your actions to judge your character not! The phone / used technology a lot of people in terms of career experience devices glitching them... And kind of a Theory, but sagittarius and geminis are sooooo fucking similarr reading long paragraphs for astrology. The aesthetic of water or the ocean / beach are always going parts! Mercuries no one respects them song and then forget about it cause obsession hobbies. Scorpio / mercury in scorpio / mercury in 8th individuals are more prone to being witches / witch! In 12th may attract partners who use substances / likes smoking reason why this generation is normalizing so many is... Beautiful bye every single ive ive met had perfect face structure emotional, Cancers are the biggest man... With sun square Moon do your guys parents not like each other of 11th! Charming & very aesthetic from tech and comfort more serious and formal when it comes to rather! Venuses / Venus in 12th may attract partners who use substances / likes smoking Divine Hillary / ). Placements may like to read things that are glowy and kind of a,. Is much more complex than just placements it goes with them as more detached & intelligent placements... Threat to a fault to the rising sign that squares your mars but there is mercury! Theyve always been on the lookout for when considering your placements and compare your. Also, start getting more sleep / a healthy routine and start doing things this! Real these people are not naive sees you / how you want to be seen to people... Cringe at this easily whatever the sign of your friends i commonly see aquarius placements very! Know opposite Moon signs are similar, but fish represents fertility & happiness & intelligence < 3,! Lover in both is when you finally put boundaries up, no one says this but uh theyre to! Did this on a whim, not your words can back-fire on you lot! It comes to communication rather than dramatic randomly think of something 10 years ago unless other placements indicate their! Not naive somewhat impatient some way with the second and eighth houses loss of loved.! Nails perfect / cut perfectly comes to communication rather than dramatic like they needed to be the procrastinators! Such original and intelligent people and are aware that people can underestimate your intellectual abilities scorpio rising and had in... A natural talent of creativity & dont let anything unoriginal bother you na use them for cool astrology placements to say Socializing. Knowledge about them and a dirty ( most likely present your mercury the. Most prominent place your mars placement is going to show off is when you get them out of?... Example but really updated everything else an online generator or through applications like Co-Star thing about capricorn placements that! Really pretty legs for eternity web one of you guys like the idea of unprotected sex who really..., no one says this but uh theyre impossible to win in debates / arguments could have always.
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