Some times a lot of shit happened . I got in the habit of sleeping with my right foot hanging off the edge of my cot so I would always be pointing towards the bunker. We got danger close rockets in that area often. Pham Ba went around back to take a pee. Didnt take long to figure out that everyone could see that you were a FNG. To save them from Communism was not the right answer because most of them did not feel that Communism was a threat ! Thursday morning we stripped the forms and started building the framing of the first building. When we got there the doc wanted to show us around. On May 15 I had finished 6 or 8 escape doors. As good as we were trying to do for the Vietnamese we sure as hell were not winning their hearts and minds! The Marines in that ambush had fired on me to scare me because they thought I was the duty officer making the rounds. T is a history of NSA in Vietnam, which by 1969 was the Navy's largest overseas command with the largest public works department in the world. It became the headquarters for all U.S. The little girl was fusing and didn't want to leave the nurse so it took a little effort to hand her off to me . May 27 was my birthday. In a while the nurse and doc came out to get the little girl and I volunteered to hold the little girl if they had other things to do. There were so many sound at night and for my own safety I had to learn them all. Activity Navymen NSA Da Nang NSA's NSAD Officer opened operations OPPOSITE period personnel Plans port providing Public Ramp Rear record repair reported responsible River sailors SCRF Security ship small craft Staff Supply Support Facility Task Third tion tons transferred troops turned turnover U. The Doc took a big syringe and needle and shot both legs up with anesthesia. He spent the night at the shop bunker by himself , totally confused as to what was going on. [3] NSA Danang originally operated from a commercial pier on the city side of the Hn River and this "Museum Ramp" (160300N 1081328E / 16.05N 108.2245E / 16.05; 108.2245) near the Cham Museum began operation in November 1965 off-loading LCU's and LST's. I even passed an enlisted sailor with a can of white paint and he was "Sorry that's all we have!" The Doc told me to help tie the farmer down to the desk. Every tree trunk was painted white, every rock was neatly lined up along the Driving around on the perimeter of the base checking for burned out security lights could also be very hazardous . I hated that phone, radio, air conditioning and black coffee! Just keep on working in the rain. Only 364 more days to go! Relations outside of combat were typified by racial tension and violence. It took six and one half days to finish that hooch (later with a full crew it would usually take us four days to build a hooch). It was really to late to save the helicopter but at least nobody was killed or hurt! I tried one other time a few months later but didn't have the appropriate paper work. Well I answered once about the FNGs. Ya, we continued our work and started building my hooch. I donated money several times while at Camp Books. I held that little girl until it started to get dark and I had no choice but to give her to the nurse and walk back to the base. I was standing in front of the hut assessing the job. There were other things to screw up the nights. The nurses were all Vietnamese and were employed there so I would often see the same nurses. It was the UH-1 trailing smoke. MCB 53 was decommissioned at Davisville, Rhode Island on 10 December 1969. Don enlisted in the US Navy and attained the rank of Builder Third Class (BU3) with MCB 53. I turned 20 years old and of coarse it went un- noticed although I had gotten a care package from Annett Burrel, a couple surfing magazines from my brother Jay and a birthday card from my girl friend Linda! Some of the rocket attacks were on Camp Books (FLC) . I am a 20 year old US soldier and my country says I have to be here! In the future I I was 19 years old when I got my orders to go to Vietnam. During our night watch I would lock the office door ,lay my M-16, (locked and loaded) on the desk pointing at the door. Besides the concrete hospital was a large concrete and stone ward building which had not even been started in early June. ( so we could see to make a quick exit to the bunker during a rocket or mortar attack. The shop door are between the 2 telephone poles. Electrician CN (E-3) Pat Brown, Builder CN (E-3) Craig Taylor, Builder 3Rd Class Calabresi. The kids were always hanging around and the best way to keep them from stealing was to befriend them by giving them candy. Same short blond bristly hair, same small bullet hole, and same very damn dead! Detachment Hue - 1965 - 1970. This was a real live human! Then there were the incoming Rockets, we had three big generators and fuel tank and we were a bulls eye. He was driving a 1 1/2 ton flat bed stake truck and was making the rounds to pick up supplies. The authorized stockage list for Vietnam was reduced from a high of 297,000 different items in July 1967 to 74,900 items in March 1971, without any loss of the high quality of support provided to the combat forces. ( very much reminds me of cutting up chickens at butchering time). It was common for the Marines to sneak off base at night for a couple hours in the Village. side was a area called Bridge Ramp which was where the Navy LSTs would pull in Our office was up stairs. I wanted to know everything about what happened to those Marines. VVA's goals . All though I grew up on a farm butchering animals to put in our freezer every year this was something different for me. Nobody even knowing where from or if they had families. Just kind of shut it off excepting that I had very little control over my situation and excepting that if shit happened ,shit happened !! Her husband was an ARVN soldier who had been killed. This is the near miss at our Post office. Some of the women were in their early twenties, so there is still hope. The fire was caused by a Air or artillery white phosphorus flare ( WP). Shortly after 1000 hr the team expediter showed up and I was introduced to him . It was kind of like the work orders I got. Closer and closer, the engine starting to whine! Some time before the end of the month we got three more guys in . The cot had a broken leg so I had to prop it up with a sand bag and it was missing one end piece so it just wanted to fold up on me when I laid on it. H e had white hair and a white beard and very much looked like Santa Clause. In your time in the CBs did you decide to be the opposite and do the right thing with newbies? the fresh meat so what do I know about it. Trouvez d'autres images libres de droits dans la collection d'iStock, qui contient des photos de Vietnam facilement tlchargeables. I cried to myself on the way back to the base. Bombardier. I didn't think about the danger but was aware of it. There are over 500 chapters that provide fellowship, volunteer opportunities and community service. He left me sitting there on the steps saying he would send Beerworth down at 1700 hr to get me settled in. First came the steps and as soon as that was finished I helped the Navy doctor and Vietnamese nurse move in a big grey office desk and an open book shelf unit. Donald F. Hovanec was born on December 10, 1949. Yes that's me smiling up from the 122mm rocket crater. Coate was not there to know about Puppy. The Marines would open that up and would also be extending the perimeter and adding watch posts . Detachment Chu Lai - 1964 - 1971. Then to Travis, Hawaii, Subic Bay (and shore patrol in Olongapo), then to Danang. This is the Hoa Kahn clinic at the time I started working there. He had no hair and always had snot running out of his nose and down his chin. This was a Sunday afternoon BBQ about 1800 hr. But when shit happens to you and you are the victim, everything changed! . Bruce Moore 06-Apr-2016 07:04: I was stationed at Camp Tien Sha from June 1968-July 1969.,I was a BU3 attached to the US Naval Support Activities Danang.I lived in barracks #35 which was on the backside of Camp Tien Sha.I was in barracks #35 when the Rocket and mortar attack began.we had a material storage yard directly behind the barracks that was hit with incoming rounds.I also, as a . I heard the truth the next day at the mess hall. So I would start the mornings dancing around the job site until the sniper was done and then we would get to work. John Wayne mode is when you still think you are invincible, nothing can hurt you because you are the good guy with the white hat and shit only happens to some one else. camp tien sha danang, vietnam 1968. The Post office was about 75 yards from my hootch. That was my first time seeing dead Marines. We were told that we were teaching them skills so they would be able to have a useful job. I was in Vietnam from November 3, 1968, through November 7, 1969. Here are the Activity reports for May 1968 for the Marines in my AO (area of operation) . There wasn't much blood ,just a small whelp where the bullet went in. It turned 90 degrees to the right and touched down between two rows of concertina wire in the middle of the perimeter. His name was Coate and he was a 3rd class yeoman. The MPs had used their white belts as tourniquets just above the knees. The causeway was a floating pier that extended about a 100 yards into Da Nang bay and was used to off load ammunition and bombs. He was laying on his back and we had tied his arms (wrists) to the legs on one end of the desk and then had tide his upper thighs to the other legs of the desk. LCU-63 * MI YFUs and LCUs such as the 62 were assigned to Lighterage Div of the Naval Support Activity, DaNang, and were based at Camp Tien Sha Annex. I was in Danang less than a month when the Vietcong used rockets to attack the Danang Air Base for the first time in the war, on the morning of February 27. They were simply ghettos with poor sanitation , communal water supply, no roads or electricity. The tents were on the right. DS CS: Jan 1968: 6 Oct 1972: NSGDet - at 8th RRFS, PhuBai, Vietnam. Then I could triangulate my frames ,run some string lines, pound in the rebar stakes. We destroyed what they had and were teaching them skills that didn't even fit into their culture. It was a long miserable cold 12 hour night. Yes that's puppy and our new steel worker (Calhoun). Everyone had his turf marked out and nobody was willing to give any for me. It seems incredible that a thirsty, decorated . This comment has been removed by the author. I was finished with my concrete forms before noon on Wednesday . On Sunday most of my team mates loaded up our flat bed truck with building materials from our salvage yard. It was very clear that they did not want a FNG getting in their way. It was where the French first landed in the 19th Century in their quest to control the area and where . "When I Joined VetFriends, I read about the email locator service, and sent an email to my old friend. Detachment Phu Bai - 1965 -1970. The kids head had been stitched up and looked just like a soccer ball. March 29, 1969. Well damn right I was scared. Naval Support Activity (NSA) Danang was officially established on 15 October 1965. On Friday May 17 I was sent out on another job. I think he may have had scrambled brains to go with his stitched up head . They cut a hole through their new fence and cleared a path threw the tangle foot and mines wide enough for a 4 wheel drive mule. Well I had 11 months to go and it was going to be a very long 11 months ! The argument got pretty heated. Well we meal in Vietnam was roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green peas, 2 large The former Marine HQ (III MAF) which was located not too far away is now used by the Vietnamese army (it was built by the French) and is a no . Danang was handling more tonnage than the port of Baltimore at the time. By TET of 1968 most of the rural Vietnamese had been moved into relocation camps (Dog Patch). Sometimes we could be called out 2 or 3 times in a night. From 1800 hours until 0600 we had to have some one stand watch. Dock area at Da Nang harbor. Well, the Camp Tein Sha barracks got me for Friday, and Saturday. This is the inside of our shop.The office was upstairs and to the left. I heard the distant crack of rifle fire and then my brain said holy shit, somebody is shooting at me!! He got in line and they loaded his truck with beds, lots of beds. I am very grateful to Annette for the support she gave me while I was in Vietnam. There was outgoing mortar rounds and incoming. The advantage was that I got a whole extra year of dive time at Hoods Canal with Pett and got to do deep water dives with him ( 120 to 140 feet) in the summer of 1966. The Brief. This building was about 24 ft wide and 200 feet long and was a two story building. Work started at 0700 hr and we got off at 1700 hr. I was told to put it between the farmers teeth with the ends sticking out of the sides of his mouth and I was to gently but firmly hold on to the ends of the stick and hold his head down. Barrels of asphalt damaged by rocket attack, April 1969 . 11/03/70 - John D. Shewmake Sr., SFC, Adona, AR. So much for getting Sunday off. The weekend after the amputation I went to build a small operating room and install a examination light. Detachment Cua Viet - 1967 - 1970. For African Americans soldiers serving in the armed forces during the Vietnam War the domestic scene loomed large. Go through their front gate then out their back gate to the causeway. Although the rules were they had to go back and check out. It was no problem during the day because either the XO or Chief were there or the secretary,interpreter (miss Nguyen). Wittig was 23 and on his second tour in Vietnam in 1968 when he met Cht, then 19, at Camp Tien Sha, part of Danang Air Base. So there I would be for over a week trying to keep the mosquitoes off of me by covering with the sheet and putting my head in the pillow case. What we finally did was a one man 12 hour watch. Both of his legs had been pretty much blown off. ( Short timers uniforms were your oldest most faded fatigues but always clean and well kept.) He did some stitching ,packed gauze into the stumps, put in shunts and temporarily closed the stumps. The guy on the right had black hair, he had been shot with a small caliber pistol right where the skull meets the spine. Around back there was a Jeep with a utility trailer on behind. Before we destroyed their lives they all had jobs and skills that worked in their culture! ( We called the Army Republic Of Vietnam police white mice because they were small, wore white helmets white web belts, white pistol holsters and white spats.) There was no time off just the same 12 hr work shift. I arrived in Da Nang in June 1968. K-9 Security Unit-1 (Navy Sentry Dog Unit) Det Cua Viet 1st Naval LARC Division. Bet coming down the trail by the ESSO Plant east wall. Read their name tag,don't look at their face, it was a hell of a lot easier to pick up the pieces or load up a stretcher of some one you don't know than to deal with a friend ! I wondered how I would feel if someone burned down my home ,killed my dad and took my little brother away to a hospital. Nobody bothered to help the new guy with the profoundly negative and dangerous war situation you found yourself in. We assumed everyone around us had the same idealistic desire to strive to do our best all the time. When I found out about that I went with Bet to talk to that officer. The Navy Doc was probably in his mid 30s and it was obvious to me that he had done this type of work before. Naval Support Activities in the I Corps, the northern-most theatre of war in South Vietnam. The Doc first put surgical tourniquets on and took the belts off. Two story building ) Danang was handling more tonnage than the port of Baltimore at time... Naval LARC Division Vietnamese had been moved into relocation camps ( Dog Patch ) trailer on.! Month we got off at 1700 hr war the domestic scene loomed large for my own safety I had learn... 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