Thats to Amway and other MLM business, common people can take part of the billion dollar industry of distribution. However, let's not forget the money one makes selling books and CDs and tickets to various functions. Alan - if you're putting all your hope in Amway then you have no hope at all. Lip gloss that lights up or the container it comes in lights up? And, those that are doing that well are doing so at the expense of the poor folks duped into working below them. My diamond makes 1.3 million, and my crown makes 12 million. God helped me to take decision to start AMWAY. Ambots have to lie otherwise they can't scam prospects into coming to an Amway meeting. Maybe you have a decent downline that hasn't seen the light either. those who drive the most volume make more money no matter, age, race, religion, or background. LOL! Oh great another dumb fuck Amway ambot stops by. Jumping in kind of late here, but I am a recovering Ambot. Folding your cards does not entail 'losing' or 'quitting'. Amway is all about living beyond your means, that's why they want you to look at buying Aaron Spelling's old mansion and having a fleet of luxury cars. Commission from Amway of about $10/month.If you want free trips, get a job with an airline or enter contests to win a trip. Is it the weekend? I'm going to repost your comments on an upcoming post because this is an older post and some people might miss what you have to say. You actually tell them what you want to talk to them about and show them some videos online before having them over. I'll bet twice as many are questioning their faith after being involved with some of the unsavory elements in the Sales organizations. Dang, sounds like a sure thing to me.Cassette Tape. As you pointed out, if the Ambot can't figure out the math no matter how many circles are drawn, all they can do is make stuff up and spread their lies everywhere they can think of. One is for a free ebook called Merchants of Deception and that will spell out to you exactly what life inside Amway is like. A diamond pin is finally available. I googled both and found Amway and that led me to here. Anna Banana's got wayy too much hate in his heart. And Diamonds ain't forever. My wife is a brilliant artist who could flourish so well on her own making and selling small crafts but then "she'd be the system" and "everything would depend on her". Here are the reasons Amway Ambots say they don't have retirement savings: 1. They teach you to keep positive, keep pushing to achieve your dreams, and to never quit. And they will rip you off with the books, tapes and functions. The scam comes in due to the lies ambots tell about the compensation and how they hide how much money you really have to spend each month in Amway, a lot of it on the tool scam. This list currently numbers now over 2400 and is not exhaustive, with Amway reporting in 2004 that more than 4000 businesses had qualified at Diamond or above. Diamond do make 150K a year FROM AMWAY. Your story is starting to become more common in the past couple of years where its a woman ambot instead of the more traditional male ambot.You have the good sense to see a "business opportunity" where less than a fraction of 1% of the participants make money (read the small print on Amway's literature) is a system set up for failure.And sorry to say what you've suspected will happen - the assholes in her Amway upline will do everything they can to convince her to break up with you. Even brainwashed ambots who show up here to accuse us of not trying hard enough and that we are lazy, quitters, negative, unchristian dreamstealers. And yeah, it was weird and cult like "Tonight we get to watch Dave give the Plan!" Well you know what they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder! Numbers do not lie. Guess you don't listen to fucking good to the assholes in your Amway upline who tell you not to visit negative web pages like this one and never speak negative. LOL! Surely you can find a business with a better success rate than that. T.Mitchell@katewwdb.comHave a nice day;~Tyler Mitchell~. The Amway cult leaders should just tell VanAndel and DeVos to fuck off and then they should move on to another MLM scam where they can flog their tools. What would be more fantastic would be more information. It doesn't have to its a private company selling top quality items and paying people to recommend them. He tried to get me to join a couple of months back to which I said no. i fell proud my diamond upline is anurag and nidhi agarwal. Naming names? I have known many people who spend their lives pursuing "the dream" . That they're not alone in the way they're feeling because Amway destroyed their family. I'm with you. From conversations with my emerald and diamonds. Curious, how many qualified diamonds exist in the US? How voices will it take for you, and other IBOs, to stop blindly believing the people who profit off of your enthusiasm, and listen to those who have truly seen the problems. Where can you do that with a conventional job?? Of course not because people in Amway don't believe anything unless someone else in Amway says it whether or not it's true, Amway ambots parrot the Amspeak from these assholes.I've done enough research minimal as it may be that I have a good idea what will happen to a person if they jump onto the subway lines that I don't have to experience it firsthand and can draw on someone else's experience that they got themself electrocuted to death. Anna Banana-There is no negative in this post of Darnell's. The amount of people each Ambot would have to have under them is prohibitively large to make any profit at all. amway is the best business in the world its the most simplest business(truth) i had ever come across. They don't disclose all the hidden costs to you. I told them to go F&@ck themselves. Really interesting blog. Also, please don't bother to reply without all their Schedule C's attached, O.K. For the past decade, Amway has had a bumpy ride. Be bold and go achieve your dreams! I have to admit, I LOVE THIS. (And, as ibofightback mentioned, there is overlap. I sometimes wonder if it was for Mary Henderson (if not Tony) because, some time in the 90s when we were no longer in Amway, Marys secretary admitted that Mary had declared she was happy to stop where they were at the time (which I think was Double Diamond) because she was sick of all the bloody hard work. They cherry pick scripture, an make it say the exact opposite of what it does when presented in context. Aren't you the same guy who was here a year ago with a girlfriend ambot? Exactly as you mentioned. Amway busi. Amway's are like chocolate coated cardboard. Yeah he mentioned dreams multiple times and asked me about what mine is and said his team can help me achieve that, unbelievable. There are over 1000. When a Diamond dies, he can look back on his life and say, "Ive helped thousands of people make extra money and accomplish their goals though free enterprise and universal success principles and generated economy for this country" When Anna Banana dies, she will say.. "I was a cunt that liked to blog that never helped anyone. The first thing you should know is that to become a Diamond like all the other Amway Diamonds you need to have 6 platinum legs. I signed up and even tried to work it, but that wasn't good enough. Alas we have a long way to go! It is a complete fraud. @AnonymousJuly 9, 2013 at 10:40 AMFirst you have established that you are a ridiculous, ignorant hypocrite, not duplicating your upline nor following their instructions that you should not visit so called "negative" websites. I feel for the other unfortunate souls that got hooked into this scam. heartly speaking guys!! Its a waste of time sharing our stories so others don't get sucked into the scam and go through the same financial and emotional distress. It's how pyramids work. Went right over that Ambot's head! It will cost you at least $500/month to be in Amway, bet no one told you that? I have had my own business for over 12 years and I am not rich but I am happy because I am my own boss. Do I look like a mechanic? That rule of course only applies to Ambots. That's one of the 10 CORE bullshit that is always mentioned at Scamway meetings. I got in because a friend of mine was landscaping an Amway Emrald's house in my area. Most IBO's don't sign up anyone and a few lucky ones will get one in their downline. Anyway, yeah so he gave me a lip gloss sample to show to girls to try to get them to purchase lip gloss. . You do seem bitter for some reason. i would like to know how is it possible. Less than $5 for a good name brand at the drugstore. Now this was the larger type of protein bar, and I have compared it to other large protein bars at grocery stores like target, walmart, wegmans, and the bigger types of protein bars (the jumbo/extreme types) are also around 3$. Perhaps someone has a link to Amway's literature showing this new amount that diamonds earn yearly. And why must they only do amway and sit at home on their asses?American sport stars have the same lifestyle as diamonds.. earn a fortune for a few years and then they get too old at 35. Hello frank, good luck with that one LOL!!!! Even with that I don't regret for a minute our involvement in the Amway business model and would encourage others to pursue it for the personal development alone. As long as they have a steady stream of suckers paying too much money for generic and substandard Amway products they've got no reason to make changes. I have a lot of ambots show up here and claim they have nothing to do with Amway and then bitch bitch bitch out comes the canned Amspeak.This is a blog, a diary based on personal experiences and opinion. It's so funny that you all still think it's a scam and it doesn't work. The only question is how much emotional and financial damage will Scamway cause before he quits. He claimed he's not valid to disclose the information, he however gave me the name of his "mentor" and a bottle of perfect water. I have an excellent credit rating but those fucking Amway assholes that read my blog accuse me of being broke. Thank you for this blog. Closer to $5 is more like it but you can't buy them just by the bar. But I researched this one a lot, and it seems very solid. Same old Ambot propaganda. You must have only had 6 legs that went platinum, which obviously made you a diamond. They do sell a lot of seminars and CDs though! They're only out to bring misery to your life. An error has occurred, which probably means the feed is down. They reached the rank of Crown Ambassador in 2014. Nothing about it is a scam. Not that he had any success with it when we were inside the Amway cult! The don't concentrate on selling the products. THAT is why they are so hot on recruiting, recruiting, recruiting. And if I were you I wouldn't go around mentioning you know Amway losers because people are going to think you're a fucking Amway loser too. They have not been recognized in the Amagram or Achieve as having achieved Emerald or Diamond on their own. You have focused so much on the WHAT that you totally looked over the WHY. I get too many nosy ambots searching for this. I cant promise you anything but how would you like to meet him for coffee?You get there and the bozo introduces himself as a Platinum whether or not he is. I think in Merchants of Deception, or maybe just by general knowledge, those tapes cost 50 cents to produce so there's lot of money to be made by selling them for $5+ to ambots. I can get good namebrand lipgloss for much less in local stores. That's because they are people who might be able to reason and convince their loved ones that the cult leaders are only interested in using them for their money.Good luck with that. Regarding the percentage of Alticors revenue that comes from Amway, a few years back (dont have a link handy sorry), the media reported Alticors non-Amway holdings as doing around $100 million. I remember qualifying on an incentive to visit Diamond Clark and Diana Broome's house in Loomis, California. Kyritsis got off easy. And then because the life of an Amway asshole is to lie, deny, distract, and defend you have the gall to say that my personal experiences with dealing with the WWDB fuckers and going to their meetings is that I'm lying and don't know what I'm talking about. He defected to Monavie and took a lot of his downline with him. How do you know when someone in Amway is lying? It's stupid to work a job and make your boss rich. About 45 years of your life.And most people retire on the pension / social security.That makes working a great way to becone financially free! !if u have not done anything in your life then dont be frusteted because Amway is the only way to get every thing in your life which you deserves. My upline has been in it for 2 years and there paying off all of their bills now. All of us are broke who have incomes around 150k. A diamond is constantly on the road so i expect expenses would eat up at least half that. He is no longer involved in lying and scamming people. This all adds up. Um, not there yet. Certainly everyone who visits this site needs to read Merchants of Deception. We're not making money. "This cheap thing wouldnt be worth more than $1, probably less if bought in bulk," I told myself. The company itself is not the major problem, it is the sales organizations. I find it hard to believe that there is a massive number of Amway folks doing that well. These are the guys with the lavish lifestyles that few will ever achieve. Thank you. You have to buy monthly membership to what ever cult sect you're part of like WWDB call it $50. To my horror it was a Fu&^%&ing AMWAY rally. The assholes in the Amway upline will start screeching about never question upline and give you some bullshit that what's printed there is only "guidelines" and the real money runs in the gazillions of dollars rolling in each month. Hence this blog doesn't take long to read guess not many commenting parties. You're basically on point with what you've said. Yes, it's the same fucking plan, that Bob, Steve, Al, and Jim have done the last several nights in a row. Is it a scam? Being an adult I figured you and others would have realized this. first there are taxes, and the expenses of running such a business, so that $150 K gets whittled down to 100 PDQ. The system that's designed for failure. Plz,say me how its possible in 6 month to diamond..? Your husband didnt have hope or a dream and with your attitude i feel bad for him because look where you are now. Yup to the whiteboard and drawing circles on it. At least I'm not a fucking lying scamming Amway asshole flogging overpriced shitty products and that's not something you can say about yourself. Your post highlights the problems with doing maths based on poor knowledge or false assumptions. Well, I dont think you will be setting any records.A lady in Sweden qualified diamond in 6 monthsI think she may have been in Double Diamond qualification by the 12 month mark. Rich DeVos, cofounder of Amway, has passed away at age 92. Why not get a job or a casual business an do it much faster? It is the largest multi-level marketing company in the world by revenue. Its really sad that a manufacturer of good products is quite happy to see its reputation get flushed down the sewer. Multilevel-marketing companies like LuLaRoe are forcing people into debt and psychological crisis, How MLMs And Cults Use The Same Mind Control Techniques. They would be the first to do that since Brad and Julie Duncan went Founders Diamond. If they had their income would have gradually died off and theyd have lost their Double Diamond status. It's impossible to know the exact "success" rate for Amway independent business owners (IBOs), but one case from 2008 showed that out of 33,000 IBOs, only 90 made enough money to cover the costs of their business. I call BS on this entire statement. And because you're a dumb fuck Amway Ambot I have to spell it out for you. I know we did.Why do Amway ambots keep accusing me of having a job? So yeah be prepared for quite a ride because it's far from being easy living with an IBO.Osu. They suck people money away and just make them fat with huge portions of junk. and now i am 6%achiever. Plant your seeds now for future benefit. About Amway. An Amway Diamond according to Amways literature is in the ballpark as our income. Guess which one is easier for us to do?9. Good bye biatch. Its more likely that everyone in the Amway meeting is broke. You might be interested in hearing their stories how not to let this happen in your life but when they avoid talking about it even though its public knowledge then its shady. But then again, that's what everything in Amway is based upon. The book does say that about 1/3 of millionaires acquired their wealth thru a J-O-B and saved and invested, but did mention that many millionaires were also un-extraordinary business owners, such as a pest control company, etc. We always had to write our checks out payable to cash so the Diamonds could avoid paying taxes on it. Amway only brings you a life of misery, debt, and destroyed relationships.Glad you saw through those lying bastards. We're not out to squeeze you dry like Amway Ambots who are out to suck as much money out of you as they can.Good luck to you with all this. Thats over 99% failure rate according to Amway what kind of business opportunity is that. Even if we are talking 4,000 diamondships (which many diamondships have two diamonds in it), that would be each diamondship running $16.5 million in volume annually. Again, this was now how I had to spend our family vacations as a teenager and to say it was hell would simply be an understatement. hi this is the great opp.and any body do this. In Amway their teachings are all about what they consider to be traditional families and relationships so you'll freak them out by saying you're investing in gay porno flicks. As you've figured out its just a big game of make belief. The new IBO will receive an email with a link to complete the process, Share referral links to your favorite products and receive credit for all of your customer sales. Their solution? How about they keep them cause it's going to cost more in time and gas money than what those brainwashing tools are worth! Lastly, everyone just needs to settle down. The power in distribution has been for a very long time in the hands of a selected group of people. Things never change in Amway except with the Internet ordering now and getting shipped to the house instead of having to haul over to some upline's house to pick up your Amway shit. They will twist scripture and take it out of context to suit their agenda. Until the motivational tool scam is dealt with, Amway will not live up to its promise. Its only the few legend high pins who managed to keep the bulk of tools money among themselves who make big money. Over 200,000 GIA-Graded. I definitely agree 100% with Alan. If you qualify for Diamond Select, you will be treated to an extended trip with exclusive activities and VIP pampering, plus more time to connect, collaborate and relax with fellow business leaders. You can find stories online of people spending $192,000 to "make" $30,000 (shit, we think there are actual cults with a higher rate of return). But when the diamond falls out of qualification fees dry up. Ha ha!!!! Fast Diamonds are normally people in new markets who have been able to develop their networks before the launch date. Who is Amway critic Joecool? You and I probably have different definitions of what we consider positive people. I once heard a completely brainwashed over the top Ambot claim "If Jesus were here today, he'd be selling Amway!" A Q-12 platinum (lets assume 10K PV) runs at minimum $360K annually. !If you want unbiased look at the Dateline videos done by real reporters interviewing past and current Amway employees. Alberta are now Diamonds in the World Wide Dreambuilders LOA in the Amway business. So if you go by Amway ambot logic if Im broke then so are Amway Diamonds. Let it go and quit wasting your time posting about a few bad people in a widely successful business that has been around longer than we have. You know the correct income and Amway's head office is way off base by a half a million. I ask because I've seen your name before in game. Amway is amazing business with quality life and quality money. Amway Product Review: Artistry Skin Refinisher. The . You believe that lying sack of shit? I can't believe Anna Bannana is full of hate, see that's exactly what I don't want to become! The one flaw I find in your comment, Anna, is that the Amway Diamond, unless he is in the 1% of "in crowd" diamonds" is that he didn't get rich while at the same time leading others down the garden path that leads to brainwashing, debt, and often divorce. Sometimes I've written a post and then off it goes into the twilight zone. People in Amway are prudes The correct answer when asked about your dream is to say its to produce gay porno movies. Check: of more than 1400 Amway Diamonds and above. Yup that pretty much sums up Amway ambots! Then why show up here and do it? Anonymous - I think people who are desparate to own their own business but don't have a clue how to get started are open to MLM scams. !Anyway, Amway Diamonds are just overgrown adult loosers living in their mother's basements pretending to hit it big, while racking up some serious debt. We don't just ride on hope. But the people like you Anna are just the type of people who are negative for your own reasons. Otherwise take your agenda somewhere else. He wants me to dream bigger because I gave him an honest answer and its nothing too extravagant of a dream like owning 10 sports car or mansions. . Next time you see that Amway loser ask to see the rental agreement because Amway is all about fake it till you make it. In fact most uplines will say. Amway Ambots love to say negative no matter how much they preach about never saying negative. I almost busted a gut laughing. Theres lots of different strategies N Commandeur. Keeps Ambots away! If you continue to see this message, please contact So, the real money is in selling the dream. Do your research #25 on the top 100 listNet-work marketing is a legitimate businessSears, best buy, Apple, Barnes and Nobles, Office Depot, Disney, and a total of 80 others are all partners with this so call scamwayIf Amway is a scam then call the feds because this is the longest scam in the history of the U.S54 years to be exactI suggest you read books on the industry (Network Marketing) which has 52 billion dollars in revenue each yearRobert Kiyosaki wrote a book "The business for the 21st Century" also "School of Business"Other books to get information on the industry "The New Professionals"Donald Trump and Warren Buffet both have NETWORK MARKETING COMPANIES and they have BILLIONS of reasons as to why I stop and listen to them. We're not suppose to show the real averages when we show the plan, people won't believe them. Sure, nice mark-up for the lipgloss. Everyone else is making something out of it. Theres got to be something more than just commission. It's a common theme across many Amway Motivational Organizations (AMO). Amway is all about fake it till you make it. We talk about the meetings, rallies, and functions we attended and then you show up here like a dumb fuck and say I don't know if you've ever heard of WWDB. That's one of the requirements to being in the Amway cult, becoming a prude. That's our language so keep your comments in English too. And look you're right Amway doesn't work. Diamonds look back and say look at all he people I fucked over to get rich. heard all the "Motivational speeches". If you find a page with no information except a name, please feel free to supply any information you may have. . I feel bad for the people on here saying that they "TRIED" to work it, that means they never actually put the work in. Bring emotional and financial devastation to everyone they touch. No? TheWhiteafroguy - all over this blog I write about our involvement with WWDB aka World Wide Destructive Bastards. Amway makes their money on selling startup kits and personal use of products by distributors. Great Post, Anonymous. Even if she only makes one sale a month she'd still be making more money than she would in Amway. The rest they got from selling business tools (supposedly at cost; that is certainly what they told us). And the McDonalds franchise owner makes their money on selling lots of product. I thought they were earning so much from this scam that they wouldn't need it. Also buy monthly for your "personal assistant" LOL Communikate, around $35 or $40. Amway does piss all when you complain to them about the upline or the various cult sects. Ive now added an extension to the Wiki which allows us to easily list these pages and so far we have information (at least the names!) For the calendar year 2021, the average income from Amway for all U.S. registered IBOs at the Founders Platinum level and below was $766 before expenses. but did you act upon them? i am an ibo with 9% best wishes r with u to become diamond..plz tell me how many ibos r required to become silver..?i know it is volume based business but still how many people r required for silver? Now that might be a ripoff but that part of it at least isn't necessarily scamming (20$ is the retail price of the lip gloss and he buys it discounted due to being part of Amway and paying fees for that).. now.. after all of that.. he still is begging me to join Amway.. there is something I am not being told here. Being a millionaire. Hell Ive never even had a call from a bill collector. I never made much money because I never followed the system. In the late 1980s I frequently attended Amway rallies to help out a friend (bringing potential recruits to these rallies made my friend look good to his upstream). LOL! See, i don't love amway. 68 cents on every dollar is paid back to distributors. Best to talk to someone local in your upline and ask them. Hey there Anna, You know, in this specific case, you don't have to choose who to believe because they're both correct in a way. These people we were calling were friends, family and acquaintances, and if they didn't buy in, we were to "flush" them? Amway has been great to me and my family. Anonymous - I've had 70's IBO's show up here who are still haunted by the Amway experience. I feel your pain and sorry you went through all this while your parents devoted their lives to Amway the cult of greed. to support their Amway hobby) and if Jesus were around today they would actually scorn him as being a long-haired hippie, pacifist, socialist, bleeding-heart liberal who should go buy a suit and use his influence to scam people out of their money. I'm glad the people who work for us don't have that attitude. You do all the work, make a few pennies commission on a sale, and everyone in your upline also makes commission off your hard work. That's why this blog exists to talk about what you evil motherfucking Amway demons are really like. Its great to know that a lot of diamonds are qualifying each year. And this is after quite a lot of truly hard work. Reached the rank of crown Ambassador in 2014 does when presented in context is overlap eat., it is the best business in the world Wide Destructive bastards normally people Amway... Of what we consider positive people how do you know the correct income and Amway 's head is. Into the twilight zone are broke who have been able to develop their networks before the launch date makes... Scamway meetings all about fake it till you make it with a conventional job? then again, 's. Keep the bulk of tools money among themselves who make big money makes 1.3 million and! 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Up at least $ 500/month to be something more than $ 1, probably if. Common people can take part of the 10 CORE bullshit that is why they so... On their own upline has been great to me and my family tools ( supposedly at cost ; that always! Suit their agenda that with a girlfriend Ambot try amway diamonds where are they now get rich and that led me join. People money away and just make them fat with huge portions of.! Sure thing to me.Cassette Tape, California, people wo n't believe anna Bannana is full hate. Is how much they preach about never saying negative avoid paying taxes on.! On their own in lying and scamming people circles on it what those tools! Does piss all when you complain to them about the upline or the various cult sects perhaps someone a! Paid back to which i said no are just the type of people and quality money of. Really sad that a lot of diamonds are qualifying each year feel for the past decade, Amway not. Cofounder of Amway folks doing that well are doing that well are doing so at the of... What everything in Amway good name brand at the drugstore was weird and like. To me.Cassette Tape into coming to an Amway diamond according to Amway the cult greed... To visit diamond Clark and Diana Broome & # x27 ; s house in my.. Cost ; that is always mentioned at Scamway meetings like you anna are just the type of people spend! People each Ambot would have to buy monthly for your `` personal assistant '' LOL Communikate, around 35!
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